Zhukov Konstantin A.

Associate Professor

Жуков К.А.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


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  • Russian (native),
  • English (fluent),
  • Turkish,
  • Ottoman Turkish,
  • French (reading).


  • 1983: PhD: The St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (October 28, 1983).
  • 1979-1982: Postgraduate education: The St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1974-1979: Specialist’s Diploma: Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University.

Professional positions:

  • Since 2006: Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, SPbSU.
  • 2005-2006: Senior Research Fellow, The St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • 2005: Deputy Director, The St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1982-2005: Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow, The St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Professional and social activities:

  • 2009: University of Helsinki (Visiting Scholar).
  • 1996–1997: The Institue of Modern Languages & Cultures, State University of Tsukuba, Japan (Foreign Researcher).
  • 1996: The Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies of the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, USA (Regional Exchange Scholar).
  • 1993–1994: The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA (Member).
  • 1992: The Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, Newnham College, Cambridge, UK (Guest Scholar).

Research interests:

  • Turkish History in the Period of Beyliks,
  • Ottoman History,
  • Russian Social Thought and the Eastern Question,
  • Russian Orientalism;
  • Russo-Turkish Relations.


  • History of Turkey
  • Source study and historiography of Turkey
  • Russo-Turkish Relations
  • History of political and social thought in Turkey
  • Images of the Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey in Russia

PhD students:

  1. Nadezhda Tikhonova (since 2016) – “The role of Crimean-Tatar journal “Terciman” in the political and ethno-cultural discourse in Russia in the 1880-1910s”.

Publications: 102 items, including 2 monographs

  • The Aegean Emirates in the XIVth – XVth Centuries. Moscow: Nauka, 1988. 192 p. (in Russian).
  • The first contacts of Dubrovnik (Raguse) with the Turkish emirates of Asia Minor in the second part of the 14th Century // Etudes balkaniques (Sofia), 1989. № 2. P. 109-113 (in Russian).
  • Ottoman, Karasid, and Sarukhanid coinages and the problem of currency community in Turkish Western Anatolia (’40s - ’80s of the 14th century) / The Ottoman Emirate, 1300-1389. Rethymnon (Greece), 1993. P. 237-243 (There is also a Turkish edition of 1997).
  • Les levées de troupes de “yaya” et de “müsellem” dans l’organisation militaire ottomane aux XIV–XVIe siècle / VII. CIEPO (Comité international d’études pré-ottomanes et ottomanes). Actes. Ankara, 1994. P. 237-243.
  • The “Destan of Umur Pasha” in the light of the “Kitab-i Bahriye” by Piri Reis / Acts. The 11th Turkish Congress of History. Ankara, 1994. P. 893-897 (there is also a Turkish translation of the article published in 2007).
  • The Cathars, the Fraticelli, and the Turks: a new interpretation of Berkludje Mustafa’s uprising in Anatolia (ca. 1415) / Acts. The 18th International Byzantine Congress: Selected Papers, Shepherdstown, WV. 1996. Vol. 2. P. 187-194.
  • The origins of the Ottoman submarine fleet // The Ottomans and the Sea (Oriente Moderno, XX, 1, Roma), 2001. P. 221-232 (with A. V. Vitol).
  • The capture of the Beylik of Karesi by the Ottomans / The written Monuments of the Orient. 2005. № 1. С. 127-130 (in Russian, with English summary).
  • Börklüce Mustafa, was he another Mazdak? / Syncrétismes et hérésies dans l’Orient seldjoukide et ottoman (XIV–XVIIIe siècle). Actes du Colloque du Collège de France (octobre, 2001). (Collection Turcica. Vol. IX). Paris, 2005. P. 119-127.
  • The Eastern Question in Philosophy of History of K. N. Leont’ev. St.Petersburg: “Aletheia”, 2006. 227 p. (in Russian).
  • War and peace: some rarely used Russian and Finnish sources for the history of Russo-Turkish relations in the nineteenth century // Saint-Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies (Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag). 2012. Vol. 1. P. 95-110 (with B.Forsén).
  • Images of the Ottoman Empire in Russia (from the 18th – to the beginning of the 20th Century) // Vestnik of the Moscow State University. Series: 13. 2012. № 1. P. 37-51 (in Russian).
  • The Present State of the Ottoman Studies in Saint Petersburg and Moscow // Turkish Historical Review (Leiden: Brill), 2014. Vol. 5/1. P. 115-127 (with M. S. Meyer).
  • Russie // Dictionnaire de l’Empire Ottoman – XV–XXe siècle / Sous la direction de Fr. Georgeon, N. Vatin, G. Veinstein. Paris: Fayard, 2015. P. 1028-1034.
  • Once more about the Astrakhan Manifesto of Peter the Great issued on July 15, 1722 / Actual Problems of Turkic Studies. Dedicated to the 180th Anniversary of the Department of Turkic Philology of the St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2016. P. 442-449 (in Russian).

