Suleymanova Aliya S.

Associate Professor

Сулейманова А.С.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


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  • Russian (native),
  • Turkish (fluent),
  • English (reading),
  • German (reading)


  • 1999–2001 PhD Programme in Asian and African Literatures, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU. PhD Dissertation: « Postmodernism in the Modern Turkish Novel (On materials of Orhan Pamuk’s novels ) (2007, supervisor Prof. Grigory Guzev).
  • Specialist, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University; Degree Diploma: «Analysis of the novel of the modern Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk “The White Fortress”».

Professional positions:

  • Since 2009: Associate Professor, Department of Turkish Philology, SPbU
  • 2005–2009: Senior teacher, Department of Turkish Philology SPbU
  • 2000–2005: Assistant Researcher, Department of Turkish Philology, SPbU
  • 1998–2000: Laboratory assistant (secretary), Department of Central Asia and Caucasus Studies, SPbU

Awards and honours

  • Сertificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Professional activities:

  • 2010–2012: Academic secretary, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbU

Research interests:

  • Modern Turkish Literature;
  • Russian-Turkish Literary Communication;
  • Folklore and Culture of Turkey,
  • Modernism and Postmodernism in the Turkish Literature.


  • Modern Turkish Literature
  • Russian-Turkish Translation
  • Spoken Turkish
  • Grammar of Modern Turkish
  • Turkish Language (Grammatical and Historical Analysis of Literary Samples).

Publications: 34, including 2 monographs.

  • Postmodernist Roman ve Orhan Pamuk’un Eserlerine Yansıması Üzerine // Dil Dergisi. Language Journal. - Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Sayı: 118 Ocak-Şubat 2003. S. 53-58.
  • Orhan Pamuk and Russian Literature of the 19th century. // Vestnik of Oriental Institute. № 1 (15). Vol. 8. 2002. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 111-117.
  • Petersburg of F.M. Dostoevsky and Istanbul of  O. Pamuk // East-Russia-Petersburg. St. Petersburg: Publishing house S.-Petersburg, 2006. P. 67-74.
  • Postmodernism in modern Turkish Literature // Postmodernism in the literatures of the countries of Asia and Africa. Essays. SPb.: VF SPbGU, 2010. P. 233-260.
  • Orhan Pamuk. The view of Russian readers, literary critics and Turkologists // Günümüz Rusya’sında Türkiye Çalışmaları. 25-29 Ocak 2012. - S.142-150.
  • Nesin, Aziz // The Great Russian Encyclopedia. T. 22. M., NI BRE, 2014. С. 508.
  •  Conceptual art of Orhan Pamuk // St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies. Vol. II. 2013. Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. S. 77-89. (co-authored with A.V. Obraztsov).
  • Orhan Pamuk’s postmodern answer to the modernist challenge of Oğuz Atay // Topical issues of Turkic research. Sat. articles to the 75th anniversary of V. G. Guzev. St. Petersburg: RHGA, 2014. P. 165-183. (co-authored with AV Obraztsov).
  • Pamuk, Orhan // The Great Russian Encyclopedia. T. 25. M., NI BRE, 2014. P. 182.
  • Modernism in Turkish Literature // Modernism in the literatures of Asia and Africa. Essays. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2014. P. 94-152. (co-authored with AV Obraztsov).
  •  Postmodernizmde "Yazarın Arkasında Gizlendiği Maske" Adlı Usul // VIII. Milletlerarası Türkoloji Kongresi 30 Eylül - 04 Ekim 2013. İstanbul. Bildiri Kitabı III. İstanbul, 2014. S. 1049-1062.
  • Intertext Labyrinth: Orhan Pamuk and Leo Tolstoy // Alkïš Bitig. Scripta in honorem D.M. Nasilov. Collection of articles for the 80th anniversary of D. M. Nasilov. Moscow: Publishing House of IBA, 2015. P. 419-427. (co-authored with AV Obraztsov).
  • Oğuz Atay’s "Bilig Tenüz": between mystification and parody // Russian Turkology. No. 1 (12). Moscow-Kazan, 2015. P. 55-63. (in co-authorship with A. V. Obraztsov).
  • Sait Faik // The Great Russian Encyclopedia. V. 29. Moskow, 2015. P. 210-211.
  • Ferzan Özpetek: narrativization of the visual // Actual questions of Turkic studies. Collective monograph for the 180th anniversary of the Department of Turkic Philology of the St. Petersburg State University. SPb., 2016. Pp. 285-291.
  • Literary cult of Orhan Veli Kanyk // Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Philological Science. Vol. 2 (68), No. 3. 2016. P. 167-177.
  • Turkish Literature. The Great Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 32. M., BRE, 2016. S. 572-573. (co-authored with A.V. Obraztsov)
  • Carnivalization of violence in the novel "Happiness" (Mutluluk) of Ömer Zülfü Livaneli // Lavrovsky sbornik. Materials XL Central Asian-Caucasian readings in 2016. Ethnology, history, culturology. SPb.: MAE RAS, 2017. With. 186-193. (co-authored with A. V. Obraztsov).

