Starovoitova Elena O.

PhD, Assistant Lecturer

Старовойтова Е. О.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 4a


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • 2009-2017: Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.Petersburg State University.
  • 2007-2009: M.A. in History and Politics, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.Petersburg State University. M.A. Dissertation: “The PRC’s relations with Latin American countries at the present stage”.
  • 2002-2007: B.A. in History, St.Petersburg State University. Diploma: «Chinese immigrants in Latin America (late19th – early 20th century)».

Professional positions:

  • Current: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries, St.Petersburg State University
  • 2009-2013: Secretary, Department of Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries, St.Petersburg State University


  • Russian (native),
  • Mandarin (fluent),
  • English (fluent),
  • Spanish (reading)

Research interests:

  • Sino-Russian relations,
  • Image of China in Russia,
  • Mutual perceptions of Russia and China,
  • History of China’s foreign policy,
  • Chinese immigrants in Latin America


Courses taught:

  • Chinese language
  • Introduction in Sinology
  • Historical and Cultural Centers of the World (China)
  • Modern economy of the PRC


  • Visual Images of China in late XIXth – early XXth Century Russia // 21st Biennial Conference of the EACS. Book of Abstracts. Saint Petersburg, 2016. P. 154.

