Smirnova Ekaterina V.

Associate Professor

Смирнова Е.В.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 20


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  • 2007-2010: PhD Programme in Asian and African History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU. D. Thesis: «Chatrapati Shivaji. Foundation of the Maratha kingdom».
  • 2002-2004: M.A. in  History and Politics, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.Petersburg State University. M.A. Dissertation: «Activity of the founder of the independent Maratha States Chhatrapati Shivaji».
  • 1997-2002: B.A. in History, St.Petersburg State University. Diploma: «Madho Rao I. Revival of the Maratha state (1763-1772)».

Additional courses:

  • 2000-2001: Central Institute of Hindi, Agra, India.


  • Russian (native),
  • English,
  • Hindi,
  • Marathi

Research interests:

  • History and ethnography of India;
  • Political and socio-economical development of India;
  • Indo-Russian cultural and political communications;
  • History of Maharashtra;
  • History of Bangladesh


  • History of India
  • Geography of India
  • Culture and ethnography of India
  • Social, Political and Economic System of Bangladesh
  • Main Stages of the History of South India
  • Tribes of India
  • History and Problems of Interreligious tensions in India
  • Hindi
  • Marathi

Publications: 22, monographs — 5.

  • Smirnova E. V. Gujral Inder Kumar // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 383-384 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Hindutva as the basis of the state ideology of India // the Second scientific-practical conference “Power and violence in non-Western societies: actual problems of research”. Moscow, 2016. P. 154-155 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Giri Varahgiri Venkata // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 101 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. The Gujaratis // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 383 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. The Gurkhas // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 405 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Chittaranjan Das // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5, P.485 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Desai Morarji // Russian historical encyclopedia. Moscow, 2016. T. 5. P. 582-583 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Hindutva in modern Indian politics // Modern trends in the development of science and technology. Moscow, 2015. No. 6, CH. VI. P. 82-88 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Religion and political technology in India // Historical, philosophical, political and law Sciences, Culturology and Study of art. Issues of theory and practice. Tambov, 2015.  № 12 (62), part 1. P. 189-195 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Image of Chhatrapati Shivaji in socio-political life of Maharashtra // Historical, philosophical, political and law Sciences, Culturology and Study of art. Issues of theory and practice. Tambov, 2014. T. 7 (45), No. 2. 220 p., P.176-179 (in Russian)

  • The policy of secularism in India. The problem of religious radicalism. Smirnova E. V. // Eurasian arc of instability and security problems in the region from East Asia to North Africa. SPb, 2013.  576 p.. P. 388-407. (in Russian)

  • The development of strategic cooperation between India and the US, China and Russia in the early twenty-first century. The balance of power. Smirnova E. V. // Actual problems of regional security in contemporary Asia and Africa. SPb., 2013.  779 p.. P. 663-676 (in Russian)

  • Hindu and Muslim political parties in India: history and problems of inter-confessional conflict. Smirnova E. V. // Main trends of political and economic development of the countries of modern Asia and Africa. SPb., 2011.  368. P. 132-148 (in Russian)

  • India and Russia. Smirnova E. V. // Russia and the Orient: the phenomenology of interaction and identification in modern times. SPb., 2011.  392. P. 232-244 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. History of foundation of the Maratha state. SPb., 2010.  47 p. (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Shivaji Bhonsle and foundation of the Maratha state.  Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.  208 p. (in Russian)

  • Kostina E. A., Smirnova E. V. Study of “real” Indian languages and literature in Saint-Petersburg // St. Petersburg- India. History and modern. SPb., 2009. P. 170-195 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. British and Indian historiography on basis of the independent Maratha state // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University, Ser 9, SPb., 2007.  No. 3, part 2. P. 313-317 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Period of reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji in the light of Indian historiography // Kjunar’s reading (2001-2004) SPb., 2005. P. 145-148 (in Russian)

  • Smirnova E. V. Basic stages of the creation of Independent Maratha States // Kjunar’s reading (2001-2004) SPb., 2005. P. 139-144 (in Russian)

  • South Asian segment of instability arc. India. Foreign policy strategy. Smirnova E. V.// Eurasian arc of instability and security problems in the region from East Asia to North Africa: results 2016 SPb., 2017. 832 p.. P. 520-535 (in Russian)


  • Subhash Bhende. Point. The pilgrims // «Look at me!» Anthology of Indian short stories of the 2nd part of XX century. SPb., 2013. 243 p. (in Russian)

