Serebryakova Svetlana G.


Серебрякова С. Г.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • 2018 г. – the Bachelor diploma with honours of Saint Petersburg State University (the Faculty of Oriental Studies. The Department of Japanology, profile “History of Japan”)
  • 2020 г. – the Master diploma with honours of Saint Petersburg State University (the Faculty of Oriental Studies. The Department of theory of social development of Asian and African countries)


Research interests:

  •  History of Russo-Japanese relations,
  • Japanese foreign policy,
  • International Law and Japan.

Working languages:

  • Russian,
  • Japanese,
  • English,
  • French.

Основные п Main Publications:

  • The Activity of Nicholas of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) // Colloquium-journal. № 17-5 (41). P. 19-20.
  • The changes in the Japanese perception of the Western countries (XVII – early XX c.) // Experimental and Theoretical research in modern science. The collection of papers on the materials of XLIII-XLIV International Academic and Research Conference. P. 9-13.
  • The international discussion of the regulation of the treatment of prisoners of war (second half of XIX c.) // Innovative approaches in modern science. The collection of papers on the materials of LXII International Academic and Research Conference. P. 8-13.
  • The formation of the national Japanese idea (second half of XIX c.) // Student Bulletin 2020. № 3-2 (101). P. 105-107.
  • The Japanese prisoners of war during the Russo-Japanese war (1904–1905) on the pages of Russian periodicals // XXXI International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa: Russia and the East. Сommemorating Centennial of Political and Cultural Ties in Modern Times. 23–25 June 2021: Materials of the Congress / Editors-in-chief: N. N. Diakov. P.I. Rysakova А. О. Pobedonostseva Kaya. SPb.: house “Studio” “NP-Print”, 2021. V. 1. P. 336-337


  • The Japanese language as the second Oriental language

