Obraztsov Alexey V.
Associate professor
- St.Petersburg
- 199034
- Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11
- the highest,
- the orientalist-philologist,
- graduated with honors from department of Turkic philology of East faculty of the Leningrad state university in 1986.
Scientific interests:
- medieval Turkish (Ottoman) literature,
- standard poetics of Ottoman poetry,
- culture and life of Ottoman Turks,
- formation and development of genre system of new Turkish literature,
- the Turkish literature in world literary process,
- processes of cultural modernization in Turkey, modernism and postmodernism in the Turkish literature,
- history of Turkey,
- modern political and economic position of Turkey;
Academic degree, rank:
- Candidate of Philology, 09.01.1992; 10.01.06 – literature of the people of the foreign countries of Asia and Africa; thesis: "The Turkish version "Of the novel about Alexander" (Iskender-nam of Akhmed)";
- the associate professor on department of Turkic philology East f-that St.Petersburg State University, 16.03.2005.
Management of grants:
- A comparative research of paradigms of art and literary dominants of the countries of Asia and Africa (diakhronny aspect) – 2011.
- Literature of the countries of Asia and Africa. An initial stage of development – 2012.
- Modernism in literatures of Asia and Africa – 2013.
Management of expeditions:
- Anatoly's Russian (Kars, Wang, Dogubayazit, Ygdyr, Ararat, the Lake Van, wasps - in Akhtamar) – 2011.
Awards and honorary titles:
- Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Order of December 30, 2005 No. of 1222/k-N.
Participation in conferences
- Fear languages: men's and women's strategy of behavior. International scientific and practical conference on October 3-5, 2003.
- VII Congress of the Russian orientalists: Zvenigorod, on September 13-16, 2010.
- "Modernization and traditions": XXVI international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa. SPB., on April 20-22, 2011.
- Lomonosov readings. Oriental studies. Moscow, on November 14, 2011.
- Günümüz Rusya’sında Türkiye çal ış malar ı. Istanbul, 25-29 ocak 2012.
- "Local heritage and global prospect. "Traditionalism" and "revolyutsionizm" in the east". XXVII international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, SPb., on April 24-26, 2013.
- XVII Uluslararas ı KIBATEK Edebiyat Sempozyumu "Doğu ile Bat ı arasında zarif bir köprü: Türk ve Rus Edebiyatlar ı", 15-16 eylül 2014.
- Sources and evolution of literatures and music of the Turkic people: materials of the international conference (on September 23-24, 2014, Kazan).
The list of the published works of the associate professor of Turkic philology of East faculty of St.Petersburg State University Alexey Vasilyevich Obraztsov:
- To interpretation of traditional plots at Akhmedi // the Soviet turkology. 1988, No. 1. P. 34-40.
- Structure Iskender-name of Akhmedi // Soviet turkology. 1990, No. 6. P. 30-41.
- Time in Iskender-nam of Akhmedi // the LIE Bulletin. It is gray.2, 1991, the issue 2 (No. 9). P. 97-99.
- Images of Turkic model of the world in Ottoman poetry // the Bulletin of St.Petersburg State University. It is gray.2, 1996, the issue 3. P. 301-303.
- A proper name in the system of images of gazelles of Dekhkhani // Oriental studies No. 19, SPb., 1996. P. 94-100.
- "History of the beginning of a campaign to Moscow" of Iskhak Efendi (Ottoman literature and history) // Oriental studies No. 20, SPb., 1998. P. 128-132.
- Review of the book L.S. Chimpoyesh "the Dastanny epos by Gagauz" // Bulletin of St.Petersburg State University. It is gray.2, 1999, the issue 1. P. 125.
- An ethnonym "Tatar" in toponymics of St. Petersburg // the Bulletin of St.Petersburg State University. It is gray. 2, 1999, the issue 3. P.104-105.
- Orthodox Istanbul // Inflight Review. 2001, No. 2(51). P. 64-68.
- Turkey: between the East and the West // Top-Manager. 2001, No. 6(11). P.128-135.
- Ornithological images at Ahmed pasha (falcon) // the Bulletin of St.Petersburg State University. It is gray.2, 2002, the issue 3. P.67-89.
- Monuments to the Russian-Turkish wars in St. Petersburg // East-Russia-St. Petersburg. SPb., 2003. P. 53-61.
- Emigration as phobia//fear Languages: men's and women's strategy of behavior. Articles and materials of the international scientific and practical conference on October 3-5, 2003 SPb., 2004. P. 146-151.
- Yataghan // World pathfinder. 2005, No. 7. P.30-32.
- Water of life of Istanbul // World pathfinder. 2005, No. 7. P. 85-89.
- Adyvar Khalid Edib. Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 1, M., 2005. P.249.
- Ali-Aziz Giridi. Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 1, M., 2005. P.488.
- Akhmed Tadzheddin Ibrahim ibn Hisr. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 2, M., 2006. P.576.
- Turkish carpet. World pathfinder. 2006, No. 10. P. 84-87.
- Ahmet Mitkhat. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 2, M., 2006. P. 577.
- Ahmet pasha. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 2, M., 2006. P. 577.
- Ashik pasha of Ali. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 2, M., 2006. P. 593.
- Baka of Makhmut. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 2, M., 2006. P. 687.
- Burke Ilkhan. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 3, M., 2006. Page 370.
- Boratav Pertev of Nailya. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 4, M., 2006. P. 34.
- Daglardzha Fazyl Hyusnyu // Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 8, M., 2007. P. 238.
- Zikhni. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 10, M., 2009. Page 498.
- Ibrahim Muteferrika. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 10, M., 2009. P. 611.
- Izzet Molla. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 10, M., 2009. P. 755.
- Karadzhaoglan. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 13, M., 2009. P. 61.
- Kemal Takhir. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 13, M., 2009. P. 538.
- Kyor Oglou. Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 13, M., 2009. P. 604.
- Were guests and left // the Consul. 2009. No. 4(19). P. 34-37.
- Were guests and left // the Consul. 2009. No. 4(19). P. 34-37.
- Current problems of training of orientalists // Theses of the VII Congress of the Russian orientalists: (Zvenigorod, on September 13-16, 2010). M.: Klyus-S, 2010. 280 p. (Bulletins / Dews. academician of sciences, Society of orientalists; issue 19). P. 180-184.
- Levend Agyakh Syrry//Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 17. M, 2010. P. 111.
- Turkish modernism: universal and private (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova) // "Modernization and traditions": XXVI international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, on April 20-22, 2011: Theses of reports. SPb., 2011. P. 390-392.
- Whether the modernist directions in literatures of Asia and Africa are possible? (on the example of the Turkish literature). (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova) // the Lomonosov readings. Oriental studies: theses of reports науч. конф. (Moscow, on November 14, 2011). M., 2011. P. 250-252.
- Lyamiya // Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 18. M, 2011. P. 283.
- Mesikh // Big Russian Encyclopedia, T. 19. M, 2011.
- Ottoman literature in Russian translations // Günümüz Rusya'sında Türkiye çal ış malar ı. 25-29 ocak 2012. İst., 2012. S. 156-166.
- Mehri Hatun//Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 20. M, 2012. Page 508.
- Oriental studies and literary criticism // Concepts of modern oriental studies. SPb.: KARO, 2013. P. 61-71.
- The Turkish literature – new and/or modern // "Local heritage and global prospect. "Traditionalism" and "revolyutsionizm" in the east". XXVII international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, on April 24-26, 2013: Theses of reports. SPb., 2013. P. 324-325.
- Nazym Hikmet // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 21. M, 2013. P. 695-696.
- Hiring // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 21. M, 2013. P. 698.
- Namyk Kemal // Big Russian encyclopedia. T.21. M, 2013. P. 748-749.
- Nedim // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 22. M, 2013. P. 272.
- Conceptual art of Orhan Pamuk // St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies. Vol. II. 2013. Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. S. 77-89. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Ahmet Mithat Efendi’nin "Felâtun Bey ile Rakım Efendi" adl ı roman ı – ilk Türk "kült" romanıdır // XVII Uluslararas ı KIBATEK Edebiyat Sempozyumu "Doğu ile Bat ı arasında zarif bir köprü: Türk ve Rus Edebiyatlar ı", 15-16 eylül 2014: Bildiri özetleri. SPb., 2014. S. 4-5. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Ahmet Mithat Efendi’nin "Felâtun Bey ile Rakım Efendi" adl ı roman ı – ilk Türk "kült" romanıdır // XVII Uluslararas ı KIBATEK Edebiyat Sempozyumu "Doğu ile Batı arasında zarif bir köprü: Türk ve Rus Edebiyatlar ı", 12-17 eylül 2014: Sempozyum Bildirileri. Ankara, 2015. S. 23-27. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- "Felyatun-bey and Rakym-efendi" — the first Turkish cult novel // Sources and evolution of literatures and music of the Turkic people: materials of the international conference (on September 23-24, 2014, Kazan). Kazan: IYaLI, 2014. P. 164-167.
- Conceptual art of Orhan Pamuk//Questions of Turkic philology. IssueX: Materials of Dmitriyevsky readings. M.: LLC MBA Publishing House, 2014. P. 221-243. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Postmodern answer of Orhan Pamuk to a modernist call Oguz Ataya // Topical issues tyurkologicheskikh of researches. Сб. articles to V.G. Guzev's 75 anniversary. SPb.: RHGA, 2014. P. 165-183. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Nave // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 22. M, 2014. P. 537-538.
- A modernism / modernist style // Modernism in literatures of Asia and Africa. Sketches. SPb.: St.Petersburg State University, 2014. P. 3-93.
- Modernism in the Turkish literature // Modernism in literatures of Asia and Africa. Sketches. SPb.: St.Petersburg State University, 2014. P. 94-152. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Orhan Veli Kanyk // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 24. M, 2014. P. 495.
- Orhan Kemal // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 24. M, 2014. P. 495.
- In an intertekst labyrinth: Orhan Pamuk and Leo Tolstoy // Alkï š Bitig. Scripta in honorem D. M. Nasilov. The collection of articles to D. M. Nasilov's 80 anniversary. M.: MBA publishing house, 2015. P. 419-427. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Tanpynar is the first theorist of the Turkish modernism // Asia and Africa in the changing world. XXVIII international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, on April 22-24, 2015: Theses of reports. SPb., 2015. P. 409-410.
- The Kazan collection in fund of East department of Scientific library of M. Bitter St.Petersburg State University // Asia and Africa in the changing world. XXVIII international conference on a source study and historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, on April 22-24, 2015: Theses of reports. SPb., 2015. Page 13-14. (in collaboration with M. A. Azarkina).
- Vasily Vasilievich Grigoryev: The Path of a Russian Orientalist // St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies. Vol. III. 2014. Würzburg: Ergon, 2015. S. 189-203. (in collaboration with I. V. Guide (Samsonova)).
- The Turkish manuscripts of "the Kazan collection" in fund of Scientific library of M. Bitter St.Petersburg State University // Languages and literatures of the Turkic people. The international scientific conference devoted to the 180 anniversary of department of Turkic philology of St. Petersburg State University. October 26-28, 2015. Theses of performances. SPb., 2015. Page 15-17. (in collaboration with M. A. Azarkina).
- "Bilig Tenyuz" Oguza Ataya: between a mystification and the parody//the Russian turkology. No. 1(12). Moscow; Kazan, 2015. P. 55-63. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- The Turkish manuscripts of "the Kazan collection" in fund of Scientific library of M. Bitter St.Petersburg State University // Topical issues tyurkologicheskikh of researches. The collective monograph to the 180 anniversary of department of Turkic philology of St. Petersburg State University. SPb., 2016. P. 467-475. (in collaboration with M. A. Azarkina).
- Turkish "Happiness" of Omer Zyulfyu Livaneli: narrative and visual. Foreign philology. Social and national variability of language and literature. International congress. Simferopol, on April 28-30, 2016.
- Vasily Grigoriev. To the 200 anniversary since birth // Questions of Turkic philology. Release of XI: Materials of Dmitriyevsky readings. M.: LLC MBA Publishing House, 2016. P. 233-259. (in collaboration with I.V. Samsonova (Guide)).
- Sultan Veled // BRE, t. 31. M, 2016. P. 413.
- Turkey (literature) // BRE, t. 32. M, 2016. P. 572-573. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Factors of formation of a cult in the Turkish literature // Asia and Africa: heritage and present. The XXIX International congress on a source study and a historiography of the countries of Asia and Africa, on June 21-23, 2017: Materials of the congress. SPb.: NP Print, 2017. T. 1. P. 244-245. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Simposion in Turkish: pubs in the Ottoman Empire // In yellow hot Africa… To Alexander Zheltov's 50 anniversary. SPb.: Nestor History, 2017. P. 125-144. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
- Karnavalization of violence in the novel Mutluluk by Omer Zyulfyu Livaneli // Lavrovsky the collection. Materials XL of the Central Asian-Caucasian readings 2016. Ethnology, history, cultural science. SPb.: MAHE RAS, 2017. P. 186-193. (in collaboration with A. S. Suleymanova).
Education guidances:
- Program of a course of history of medieval literature of Turkey (XIII — middle of the 19th centuries). SPb., 1996. 1.63.
- Tezkere as a source on history of Ottoman literature. SPb., 2004. 1.4.
- Yylmaz O., Obraztsov A.V., Telitsin N.N., Ulmezova L.M. The dictionary – a minimum (for 1 course). Standard examples (for 1-4 courses). Common expressions. The education guidance on Turkish. SPb., 2004. 4.25.
- Literary criticism // Introduction to oriental studies: General course. SPb.: KARO, 2011. P. 61-78.
- Editor-in-chief of prince: Zelenev E. I. Comprehension of the Image of the world. SPb.: KARO, 2012. 336 p.
- Editor-in-chief сб.: Topical issues tyurkologicheskikh of researches. Сб. articles to V. G. Guzev's 75 anniversary. SPb.: RHGA, 2014. 352 p.
- Editor-in-chief сб.: Modernism in literatures of Asia and Africa. Sketches. SPb.: St.Petersburg State University, 2014. 388 p.