Malashevskaia Maria N.

Associate Professor, PhD in History

Малашевская М.Н.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic background:

  • 2003–2007: BA student, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies.
  • 2007–2009: MA student, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies.
  • 2009–2014: PhD student, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies.
  • Defend PhD dissertation in history on 15 February, 2017 at Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of History. Title: “Japan’s foreign policy establishment toward USSR and Russian Federation in 1989–2001”.


University teaching activities:

  • From 2009 to 2014 worked as part-time teacher at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint Petersburg State University.
  • From October 2014 worked as assistant lecturer (similar to full-time teacher) of the Department of social development of Asian and African countries at the same faculty.
  • From January 2018 works as associate professor at the same faculty.


Teaching courses:

  • History of Russia-Japan relations;
  • History and philosophy of science (Oriental Studies) for PhD students
  • Modern Japanese (for MA students);
  • Macro- and micro-historical analysis in Asian and African studies;
  • Diplomacy and international law in the East
  • Intellectual History of East Asia in 20-21 centuries (China and Japan)
  • Political thought in Post-War Japan


Visits to Japan:

  • In September 2007, participated the Japan-Russia students forum (Sapporo, Hokkaido).
  • In January 2009, participated short-term educational program in Japan granted by Mitsui corp.
  • In July 2013, affiliated School of social science of Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) as visiting researcher.
  • In March 2015, participated short-term seminar program (Tokyo-Nagasaki, Japan) for Russian young researchers.
  • In July 2017, affiliated School of social science of Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) as visiting researcher
  • In November–December 2017, affiliated at School of Law of Osaka City University (Osaka, Japan) as visiting researcher
  • In October-November 2018, affiliated at School of Law of Osaka City University (Osaka, Japan) as visiting researcher
  • In November-December 2019, affiliated at School of Law of Osaka City University (Osaka, Japan) as visiting researcher



Grants and enhancing of professional skills:

  • July 2016: Travel grant from Japan Foundation for participation in seminar for Japanese language teachers and professional skills enhancing program (Moscow, Russia).
  • March 2017: Travel grant from Japan Foundation for participation in the conference and seminar for young university teachers of Japanese language.
  • In 2016 won 2ndprize for publications about Japan among Russian young scholars (Association of Japonologist, Russia and Japan Foundation in Russia).
  • Granting program of Japan Tabaco International for the Japanese studies at Saint Petersburg State University, project “Linguistic evolution in the context of ICT”.
  • Grant Program for Japanese Studies Projects (manager of the project and main researcher), Japan Foundation, project title “lnteraction models in East Asia in the 20-21 centuries: sociocultural and international dimensions”, for 2018-2019


Membership in researchers associations

  • Association of Japanologists (Russia);
  • Russian society for intellectual history


Publications for 2014–2020:

  • Malashevskaya Maria. The world of Eurasia from the Japanese perspective: the analysis of the Kuroki Ryo’s novel “A Runway on the Great Silk Road” // ANNALS OF “DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING. 2020. Vol. XIX. No. 1. P. 31 - 50
  • Malashevskaya М. (2020). Main Trends of the Eurasian Concepts in Japan at the turn of the 21st Century: Approaches within Academic and Political Discourses (Основные тенденции развития евразийских концепций в Японии в начале XXI века: подходы в политическом и академическом дискурсах). Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Востоковедение и африканистика, 12(2), 276-291.
  • Malashevskaya M.N. «Русские миракли в произведениях современных японских литераторов на фоне российско-японских отношений в первое десятилетие после холодной войны» = Russian miraculous creatures in contemporary Japanese novels in the background of the Russian-Japanese relations in the first Post-Cold War decade// История и культура Японии. Вып. 12 / под науч. ред. Н. Н. Трубниковой, И. А. Оказова ; сост. и отв. ред. А.Н. Мещеряков ; Нац. исслед. ун-т «Высшая школа экономики», Ин-т классического Востока и античности. М. : Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2020. Pp. 445-455.
  • Malashevskaya M.N. Советский Союз в мемуарах японских дипломатов: Тамба Минору и его «Тайные переговоры между Россией и Японией» =  The image of Soviet Union in the memoirs by Japanese diplomats: Tamba Minoru and his “Secret negotiations between Russia and Japam”//  XXX Международный конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки: к 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869–1930) : Материалы конгресса. Т.1. СПб: НП-Принт, 2019. Pp. 456-457
  • Malashevskaya M.N. The collapse of the USSR in the views of the third party: Analysis of memoirs of Japanese diplomats Edamura Sumio and Sato Masaru // Вестник СПбУ. Серия 13, Востоковедение и африканистика. 2018, Т. 10, № 3. Pp. 292-304
  • Malashevskaya M.N. Феномен японо-монгольского военно-экономического сотрудничества в «Большой Евразии» в 2000е — 2010е годы =  Phenomenon of the Japanese-Mongolian military and economic cooperation in "Big Eurasia" in 2000e — 2010e years // Восточная Азия и изменения глобального миропорядка. М.: ИДВ РАН, 2018. Pp. 110-116.
  • Malashevskaya M.N. Некоторые современные подходы японских ученых к анализу внешней политики Японии: реализм и либерализм, международное сотрудничество и индивидуализм =  Some modern approaches of the Japanese researchers to the analysis of foreign policy of Japan: realism and liberalism, international cooperation and individualism // Япония: 150 лет революции Мэйдзи. СПб: Издательство "Art-Xpress", 2018. Том 1. С. 715 - 725
  • Malashevskaya M.N. Japanese Eurasianism at the turn of 21st century // Collection of conference materials “Japan: Pre-modern, Modern, and Contemporary: A return trip from the East to the West. Learning In, About and From Japan”. Bucharest, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 2018. C. 33.
  • Malashevskaya M.N. Политика Японии на российском направлении в конце 1980-х - начале 2000-х годов: методы и тактики ведения переговоров = Japanese diplomacy in Russia in late 1980’s – beginning 2000’s: negotiation methods and tactics // Ежегодник «Япония». М.: АИРО–ХХI», 2017. Pp. 45 - 62.
  • Малашевская М. Н. (Malashevskaia M. N.). Исследование пограничных конфликтов в Евразии по материалам японского журнала Eurasia Border Review = Boarder conflicts in Eurasia researched on the base of materials of «Eurasia Border Review» (Slavic-Eurasian Center, Hokkaido University) // Архитектура безопасности и сотрудничества в Восточной Азии. М.: ИДВ РАН, 2017. С. 81–89.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. (2017). Mongolia in Japan’s Eurasian Policy (1997–2017). Japanese Studies in Russia. 2017, N 3. pp. 85-98.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Евразийский вектор политики Японии = Eurasian policy of Japan. Евразийская дуга нестабильности и проблемы региональной безопасности от Восточной Азии до Северной Африки: итоги 2016 г. / Гл. ред. В. Н. Колотов. СПб.: ИПК НП-Принт, 2017. С. 425–446.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Традиционные механизмы в японской дипломатической практике на примере российско-японских переговоров в 1990-е гг. = Traditional mechanisms of the Japanese diplomacy making: case of the Russia-Japan negotiations in 1990’s // Азия и Африка: Наследие и современность. XXIX Международный конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки, 21–23 июня 2017 г.: Материалы конгресса / Отв. ред.: Н. Н. Дьяков, А. С. Матвеев. Т. 1. СПб.: Изд-во Студия «НП-Принт», 2017. pp. 378–380.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Политика Японии на российском направлении во второй половине 1990-х гг.: инфраструктурные проекты Судзуки Мунэо (1995–2000 гг.) = Japanese policy toward Russia in 1990’s: Suzuki Muneo infrastructural projects (1995 - 2000) // Петербургский исторический журнал. 2016, №2 (10). Pp. 95 - 103
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Современное кавказоведение в Японии = Contemporary Caucasus studies in Japanese researches // Япония: мир-традиции-перемены. [“Issues of Japanology” = Вопросы японоведение № 6]. Санкт-Петербург: Лема, 2016. Pp. 332–343.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Методы ведения переговоров МИД Японии на примере российско-японских встреч на высшем уровне в 1997–1998 гг. = Japanese diplomacy negotiation tactics: case of Russia-Japan high level meetings 1997–1998 // Вестник СПбУ, серия 13: Востоковедение и африканистика. 2016, № 4. pp. 100-112.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Рецензия на книгу: История российско-японских отношений: XVIII — начало XXI века / под ред. С. В.Гришачева. М.: Аспект-Пресс, 2015 = Book review: ‘History of Russian-Japanese relations: XVIII–XIX centuries // Вестник СПбУ, серия 13: Востоковедение и африканистика. 2016, № 1. Pp. 127–129.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Политика Японии на российском направлении во второй половине 1990-х гг.: инфраструктурные проекты Судзуки Мунэо (1995–2000 гг.) = Japanese policy toward Russia in 1990’s: Suzuki Muneo infrastructural projects (1995-2000) // Петербургский исторический журнал. 2016, № 2 (10). Pp. 95–103.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. «Группа Судзуки» и российско-японские отношения в 1996–2001 гг. = “Suzuki group” and Russian – Japanese relations 1996–2001 // Актуальные проблемы современной Японии. 2015, № 29. Pp. 157–172.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Линия Судзуки — Сато — Того в российско-японских отношениях 1990-х гг.: достижения и провалы = Suzuki — Sato — Togo line in Russian — Japanese relations in 1990s: profits and defeats // Азия и Африка в меняющемся мире. СПб., 2015. Pp. 197–198.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Российско-японские переговоры на высшем уровне (1997–1998 гг.): новые тенденции в развитии двухсторонних отношений = Japanese-Russian high-level negotiations (1997–1998): new tendencies in bilateral relations // Вестник СПбУ, серия 13: Востоковедение и африканистика. 2014, № 4. Pp. 5–14.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Российско-японские переговоры 1990-х гг. через призму японской газетной карикатуры (на основе материалов газеты Асахи-симбун) = Russia-Japan talks of 1990’s through the Japanese newspapers caricatures (on the Asahi-shimbun materials) // История и культура традиционной Японии (Orientalia et Classica: труды Ин-та вост. культур и античности). М.: Наталис, 2014. Pp.426–434.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Разгром «группы Судзуки Мунэо» в 2002 г. и ужесточение политического курса Японии в отношении России при Коидзуми Дзюнъитиро = “Suzuki group” defiat and changing of the policy toward Russia under Koizumi rule // Гуманитарные и социальные науки. 2014, № 4. Pp. 11-21.
  • Malashevskaya M. N. Концепция истории японской дипломатии 1945–2003 гг. в работах Того Кадзухико = The history of Japanese diplomacy in 1945–2003 in Togo Kazuhiko works // Вестник СПбУ, серия 13: Востоковедение и африканистика. 2014, № 3. Pp. 137–147. 


Conferences presentations participation for 2016–2018:

  • International conference in commemoration with 110-years anniversary of japanologist Alexander Kholodovich. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University, 22–23 April 2016. Presentation title “Contemporary Caucasus studding in Japanese researches”.
  • VI International conference “Eurasian Arc of Instability and the problems of regional security in the region from East Asia to Northern Africa”. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University, 21–22 October 2016. Presentation title: “Japanese Eurasian Diplomacy 1996-2016”.
  • IV International conference of young researchers “Security architecture and cooperation at East Asia”. Institute of Far East of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 17–18 November 2016. Presentation title: “Boarder conflicts in Eurasia researched on the base of materials of «Eurasia Border Review» (Slavic-Eurasian Center, Hokkaido University)”.
  • IX annual conference of the Association of Japanologists (Russia): “One and a Half Centuries in the History of Russia and Japan: The Epoch of Great Transformations”. MGIMO-University, Moscow, 22–23 December 2016. Presentation title: “Japan’s policy towards Russia from the end of 1980 to the end of 1990’s: negotiation tactics and mechanisms”.
  • Round table “Big Eurasia Megaregion: models of cooperation and confrontation”. Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University, 16 January 2017. Presentation title: “Japan’s Eurasian policy at the area of the former Soviet Union”.
  • XXVI Russia-America Seminar in commemoration with 210-years of establishment of Russia-US relations. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University, 11–12 May 2017. Presentation title: “Japan’s policy for Mongolia in the Eurasian diplomacy context (1996-2016)”.
  • The Thirteenth Annual NAJS (Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society) Conference. Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 18–19 May 2017. Presentation title: “Japanese diplomacy-making in Russia in 1990s: methods, approaches and tactics”.
  • XXIX International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa “Asia and Africa: their Heritage and Modernity”. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University, 21–23 June 2017. Presentation title: “Traditional mechanisms of the Japanese diplomacy making: case of the Russia-Japan negotiations in 1990’s”.
  • Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ). Tokyo, Rikkyo University, 8-9 July, 2017. Presentation title: “Mongolia in Japan’s Eurasian Policy (1996-2016).
  • VII International conference “Eurasian Arc of Instability and safety from East Asia to North Africa: tentative results of 2017”. Saint Petersburg, SPbSU, 6-7 October 2017. Presentation “Strategic triangles Japan-US-Mongolia and Japan-US-RK in the context of DPRK nuclear threat”
  • V International conference for young researchers “East Asian and global order changing”. Moscow, Institute of Far East of RAS. 16-17 November 2017. Presentation “Phenomenon of the Japanese-Mongolian interaction in the economic and security fields in 2000–2010’s in the context of Eurasian integration”
  • The International Association for Japan Studies (IAJS) 2017 Conference. Waseda University, Tokyo, 2 December 2017. Presentation “Establishment of positive bilateral interaction model at Russia-Japan dialogue after Cold War: analysis of negotiations tactics in 1990’s”.
  • Annual Conference of the Japanologists Association, Moscow, Institute of Far East of RAS, 22 December 2017. Presentation: “Японо-монгольское сотрудничество в социально-экономической области в 2000-2010-е гг. (на примере создания «умных городов» и продвижения проектов выработки «чистой энергии»)”
  • Annual Conference “History and culture of Japan”, RGGU, Moscow, 12-14 February 2018. Presentation “Японский взгляд на эпоху перемен в России конца 1980-х – 1990-х гг.: анализ романа Акира Кумано «За даль земли: Повесть об Илье»”
  • Conference “Lessons of the past: 150th anniversary of Meiji Restoration in Japan”, St Petersburg, SPbSU. 2-3 March Presentation “Некоторые современные подходы японских ученых к анализу внешней политики Японии: реализм и либерализм, международное сотрудничество и индивидуализм”.
  • Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark,  24-25 May, 2018. Presentation: Comparative study of Japan-Mongolia and Japan-Russia interaction in the Eurasian megaregional integration in Post-Cold-War period.
  • Japan: Pre-modern, Modern, and Contemporary: A return trip from the East to the West. Learning In, About and From Japan, Bucharest, Romania, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 3-5 September 2018. Presentation: “Japanese Eurasianism at the turn of 21st century”
  • Revisiting the Past and Building Sustainable International Society in Northeast Asia”, Japan, Gifu Prefecture, Toki city, Seratopia Toki Hall, 22 October 2018. Presentation “Japanese Eurasianism and Eurasian policy of Japan in Russia and Mongolia in 1990-2000s”
  • The XI annual conference of Association of Japanologists "Russia - Japan: one and a half centuries of great transformations. To the 150 anniversary of revolution of Meiji". MGIMO University, Moscow. 20-21 December Presentation “Евразийство в Японии в начале XXI века: евразийский дискурс в романе Куроки Рё «Взлетная полоса на Шелковом Пути»”.

