Guryeva Anastasia A.

Associate professor

Гурьева А.А,


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


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Professional positions:

  • Associate professor (since 2014).
  • Since 2003 – lecturer teaching lectures on Korean literature and various aspects of Korean at the Faculty of Asian and African studies, Saint Petersburg State University.
  • Member of Academic Committee — Faculty of Asian&African Studies (since 2015).
  • Ph.D. in Korean literature, Ph.D. thesis titled: «Anthology of Korean pre-modern poetry «Namhun taepyeong-ga (Songs of the Great Peace at South Wind)» (based on the block-print in the keeping of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences)» (2012). Academic supervisor is Doctor A. F. Trotsevich.
  • 2001-2009 – worked in Saint Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (now renamed as the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts).


  • 1995-2000: B.A., Korean Philology major at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint Petersburg State University, academic supervisor is Doctor M. I. Nikitina.
  • 2000-2002: M.A., Literatures of the Peoples of Asia and Africa major at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint Petersburg State University, academic supervisor is Doctor G.Ye. Rachkov.
  • 2002-2006: Ph.D. course at the Institute of the Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, specialized in «Literatures of the Asian and Africa» (10.01.03).

Study abroad:

  • 1997-1998: KLI, Yonsei University, Seoul.
  • 2000: finished the 6th level of the KLI, Yonsei University, Seoul
  • 2004: study program for Korean language educators, AKS, Seoul.

Courses taught:

  • Ancient and Medieval Literature of Korea
  • Pre-modern Korean literature
  • History of Korean literature (till nowadays)
  • Book in the Far East (authorized special course)
  • Book and Text in Korean Intellectual Culture (authorized special course)
  • Korean Literary Text
  • Korean Specialized Text
  • Translation and Interpreting into Korean
  • Conversational Korean (including Debates in Korean)
  • Korean Political Text (periodically)

Research interests:

  • Korean literature;
  • Pre-modern Korean poetry in vernacular;
  • Book and Text in Korean culture;
  • Korean manuscripts and old-printed books;
  • Relations of Traditional and Contemporary Literature and Culture;
  • Issues in Korean language, literature and culture education;
  • Intercultural communication.

Conference participation (over 80 since 1999):

  • Russia: Saint Petersburg State University (regularly since 2000), Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (regularly since 2004), Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (1999, 2001, 2004, 2014), Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (2003), Institute of Asia and Africa, Moscow State University (regularly since 2009), Moscow State Linguistic University (regularly since 2013), Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow (2008, 2017), Irkutsk State Linguistic University (2011), International Philosophical and Cultural Congress (2003), Russian Presidential Library (2015, 2016), Hertzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (2018).
  • Republic of Korea: Seokyeong University (2006), Keimyung University (2007), Kyujanggak Research Institute, Seoul National University (2013), Korea University (2015, 2017), Seoul National University (2016, 2017). Member of Assessment Committee for International Ph.D. students in Korean literature (Korea Foundation, 2016).
  • Europe: La Sapienza University (Rome) (2003), Sheffield University (2005), University of Paris (2007, 2011), Leiden University (2009), Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoka, Romania) (2010), Vienna University (2013, 2015, 2018), Helsinki University (2010, 2013), Ljubljana University, Slovenia (2014), Ruhr University Bochum (2015), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (2016), Charles University, Prague (2017, 2018).

Guest lectures:

  • Novosibirsk State University (2013), Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok (2016), Yonsei University, Seoul (2013), SOAS, University of London (2014), Stockholm University (2014), Comenius University, Bratislava (2015), Vienna University (2015), Charles University, Prague (2015), Korea University, Seoul (2015), Russian State Library, Moscow (2017), Saint Petersburg Association for International Cooperation (2009, 2010, 2011), General Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Saint Petersburg (2016, 2018).

Publications (over 85 publications in Russian, English and Korean):

3 co-authored monographs and several chapters in collective monographs. E.g.:

  • Trotsevich A. F.,  Guryeva A. A. Description of Korean Antiquarian Books 1. Korean Manuscripts and Block-prints in Asian department of Saint Petersburg State University Library. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University Press, 2008. 300 pp.;
  • Trotsevich A. F., Guryeva A. A. Description of Korean Antiquarian Books 2. Korean Manuscripts and Block-prints in Manuscript Department of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University Press, 2009. 424 pp.
  • 러시아의 한국문학 연구방법에 관한 재고: 19세기 후반 – 현대까지 // 백년의 매혹. 한국의 지성 러시아에 끌리다. 서울: 민속원, 2017

2 Korean language manuals (co-authored with A.A. Vasiliev, ed. by Jeong Yang-Ok):

  • “Readings in Korean, Intermediate level”, co-authored with A. A. Vasiliev, ed.Jeong Yang-Ok. Saint Petersburg. KARO. 2015.
  • “How to communicate in Korean: Language of Social Status in Korea” co-authored with A. A. Vasiliev, ed. by Jeong Yang-Ok. Saint Petersburg. KARO. 2017.

Academic Editorship of 3 manuals.

Literature and Academic Translations:

  • Translation of Korean Contemporary Poets of Seo Jeong-ju, Jeong Ho-seung, Kim Seung-hee // Inostrannaya Literatura (Foreign Literature). Moscow. November, 2016.
  • Translation of Korean hansi (17 pieces) // Ink-Sketches. Translations of Korean Poetry in Classical Chinese. Golden Fund of Korean Literature Series, 8. Hyperion Publishing House. 2015.
  • Descriptive Catalogue of Korean Art Exhibition (State Hermitage).

 Selected papers:

  • Teaching Korean Literature as a One-year Course: Scope, Motivation, Methodology // The Comparative approach and Prospects of Education of local and Korean Culture and literature in Central and East Europe. CEESOK Conference. Riga: University of Latvia, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-18-226-2. Pp. 74-81
  • Educational aspects of Korean antiquarian books // CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies. Special focus: Teaching Korean studies in Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 16. Мoscow, 2016. Pp. 40-51.
  • On the Issue of Drawing Students' Interest to Korean Traditional Literature: Main Points of Teaching the Subject // Problems of the Literatures of the Far East, 7th International Conference), 2016. Pp. 244-251.
  • The role of traditional models in understanding contemporary Korean literature works (based on “Heaven-Earth-Human” and “Light+Sound”)// Proceedings of the Center for Korean language and Culture. Issue. 17. Saint Petersburg State University Press. 2015. Pp. 177-189.
  • Allusions and Citations in the Context of New Tendencies in Korean Vernacular Poetry of Late Choson //London: SOAS-AKS Working papers, 2014.
  • Ancient “System of a Figure” and Corporate Culture in the Republic of Korea // “Korea: Lessons of History and Challenges of Today”. Moscow, Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. – in Russian
  • 구운몽과 남훈태펑가의 여성인물, 그 비교의 일면//문학과 해석. 가을 2013. («Female images in Ku Un Mong and Namhun Taepeyong-ga: Attempt of Comparison» // Munheon-gwa Haeseok («Writings and Interpretateion»), № 64, fall 2013. Seoul, 2013.
  • Korean Vernacular Love Poetry in the 18th and 19th Centuries: "Male" and "Female" Poems // St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies. Vol. 1. Saint Petersburg, 2012. С. 129-145.
  • Traditional Korean Literature Today: Field of Academic Experiment // Proceedings of the Center for Korean Language and Culture. Issue 14. Saint Petersburg. 2012. Pp. 16-21 – in Russian
  • Road to the Church or Sincere Stories of Korean Orthodox Parishioners// Proceedings of the Center for Korean Language and Culture. Issue 13. Saint Petersburg. 2011 – in Russian
  • 조선후기의 대화 구성법 시조//한국문예비평연구. 제30집. 한국현대문예비평학회(«On Dialogical Form Sijo of Late Joseon Period» // Korean Criticism. Vol. 30. Association of Korean Contemporary Literature Criticism. Seoul. 2009).
  • Issues in Translating Korean Vernacular Poetry: Based on Translating the “Namhun T’aep’ yong-ga” Anthology into Russian // Acta Koreana, vol. 11, No.1, January 2008: pp. 81-93 (In English).
  • Korean Literature Tradition in Early Works of Contemporary Korean Poet Jeong Hyeon-jong // Bigyo munhak (Comparative Literature). Issue 8. 12.2004. Suwon.Republic of Korea. Pp. 389-403. – in Russian.
  • Korean Mentality and Values of Russian Culture: Problems of Linguistic Communication // “Contemporary Issues of Intercultural Communication”. Paper collection, Saint Petersburg. 2003. Pp. 53-63 – in Russian.
  • Problematic Points of Literary Translations in the context of Intercultural Communication (in Korean language education on the Beginners’ level) // Journal of Moscow State Linguistic University. 2018. (in print) – in Russian.


  • Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies on Korea (since 2013)
  • Editorial board of the «Proceedings of the Center for Korean language and culture » (since 2014)
  • Editorial board of the «International Journal of Korean language education» (Republic of Korea) (since 2014)
  • AKSE (since 2003)
  • Association of Korean language educators in Russian Universities (since 2009)
  • Directorial board of the Russia-Korea Friendship Society (since 2005)
  • Board of the Korean studies Graduate Students Convention (2010-2014)
  • Foreign directorship of the «Journal of Korean Literary Criticism» (Republic of Korea) (2012-2014)

Field research

  • Research based at Seoul National University (Korea Foundation) (2006);
  • Residence program for Korean literature Translators, Seoul (KLTI) (2008);
  • Hankook University of Foreign Studies (Seoul) (2012);
  • Biblioteque National France (Paris) (2011);
  • Royal Library Copenhagen (2013);
  • British library (London) (2014)

