Smirnova Maria O.

PhD, Assistant

Смирнова М. О.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date and place of birth: 26.02.1986; Arkhangelsk


  • Higher, orientalist-philologist, Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint-Petersburg State University, the Bachelor’s Degree, majoring in the Tibetan and Mongolian languages (2007);  Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint-Petersburg State University, the Master’s Degree, majoring in the Languages of Asia and Africa (2010)

Academic degree:

  • PhD. Thesis: "Linguistic features of Tibetan grammar treatises" (10.08.2016).

Scientific interests:

  • the Tibetan language and literature;
  • the Tibetan grammatical tradition;
  • the Tibetan Buddhist traditional sciences.

Educational and research activity: SPbU (since 2010).

Foreign languages:

  • Tibetan,
  • Mongolian,
  • English,
  • Chinese.


  1. Smirnova M. O. Tibetan grammatical treatise “Sum cu pa” // Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost. 2012, № 3. P. 126-131.
  2. Smirnova M. O. Development of the Tibetan linguistic tradition // Vestnik of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 13: Oriental Studies. African Studies. 2012, № 2. P. 34-42.
  3. Alekseev K. V., Grokhovskiy P. L., Sizova A. A., Smirnova M. O., Turanskaya A. A., Yampolskaya N. V., Yahontova N. S. Classification and ways of translation of Buddhist terminology (on the material of the interactive database "Buddhist terminology of Mongolian translated works") // Vestnik of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 13: Oriental Studies. African Studies. 2012, № 2. P. 47-60.
  4. Smirnova M. O. Basic terms of the Tibetan grammatical tradition // Vestnik of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 13: Oriental Studies. African Studies. 2013, No. 1. P. 23-34.
  5. Smirnova M. O. Commentaries on the first Tibetan grammatical treatises "Sum cu pa" and "Rtags kyi ‘jug pa" // Vestnik of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 13: Oriental Studies. African Studies. 2013, No. 2. P. 12-19.
  6. Smirnova M. O. The influence of Indian traditional linguistics on the development of Tibetan grammatical terminology // Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost. 2014, No. 5. P. 106-112.
  7. Grokhovskiy P. L., Zakharov V. P., Popov A. M., Smirnova M. O., Khokhlova M. V. Lexical database of the corpus of Tibetan grammatical works // Information society technology in science, education and culture. Papers of the XVII Russian Joint Conference "Internet and Modern Society" (IMS-2014), St. Petersburg, November 19-20, 2014. St. Petersburg. 2014. P. 277-282.
  8. Grokhovskiy P. L., Zakharov V. P., Smirnova M. O., Khokhlova M. V. The corpus of Tibetan grammatical works // Scientific and technical information. Ser. 2. 2015, No. 10. P. 26-35.
  9. Smirnova M. O. Structure of the Tibetan grammatical treatise "Sum cu pa" and its commentaries // Vestnik of the Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 13: Oriental Studies. African Studies. 2015, No. 3. P. 14-25.
  10. Grokhovskii P. L., Zakharov V. P., Khokhlova M. V., Smirnova M. O. The Corpus of Tibetan Grammatical Works // Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics, 2015. Vol. 49, № 5. P. 182—191 DOI 10.3103/S0005105515050064
  11. Grokhovskiy P., Khokhlova M., Smirnova M., Zakharov V. Tibetan Linguistic Terminology on the Base of the Tibetan Traditional Grammar Treatises Corpus // Text, Speech and Dialogue: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, TSD 2015, Plzeň, Czech Republic, September 17-21 / Václav Matoušek (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. P. 326-333.
  12. Grokhovskiy P., Khokhlova M., Zakharov V. Lexical Database of the Tibetan Grammatical Treatises Corpus // Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 2016. Vol. 105, P. 387-389. doi:10.2991/icassr-15.2016.105.


  • Modern Tibetan Language

