Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

342 IV. Ближний Восток и его соседи motivation of warfare have been often discussed in the framework of the distinction or perhaps convergence between “Holy war” and “Jihad”; this theoretical approach demonstrates the central role of religious identity in the ongoing process of ideological refinement of the concept of Christian-Roman just war since the early 7th century. 1 Leon VI, composing his military compendium in the tenth century, 2 was in conformity with the spirit of the cultural and intellectual such themes in imperial propaganda see also N. Koutrakou, “Soldiers and propaganda. Some Remarks on military propaganda methods and messages in Middle Byzantine Politics”, in A. Kolia-Dermitzaki et al., eds, Histories of War in South Eastern Europe. An Approach in the longue durée , Athens 2108, 279–306, esp. 286–292; Karapli, K., ΚΑΤΕΥΟΔΩΣΙΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ. Ἡ ὀργάνωση καὶ ἡ ψυχολογικὴ προετοιμασία τοῦ βυζαντινοῦ στρατοῦ πρὶν ἀπὸ τὸν πόλεμο (610–1081) , vol. I, Athens 2010. 1 For relevant literature, Stouraitis, A companion , especially: Byzantine Just War Vis-α-vis Jihad, 75ff. with additional literature. On the issue remains valuable as reference: A. Kolia-Dermitzaki, Ο βυζαντινός “ιερός πόλεμος”. Η έννοια και η προβολή του θρησκευτικού πολέμου στο Βυζάντιο (Historical Monographies 10), Athens 1991. In a broader historical perspective, Ph. Buc, Holy War, Martyrdom and Terror , Pennsylvania 2015: German trans., by M. Haupt, Hielige Krieg. Gewalt imNamen des Christentums , Darmstadt 2015. 2 For the compilation of the Taktika different dating has been proposed in the scientific research, for instance: between 904 and 908: R.Vári, “Desid- erata der byzantinischen Philologie auf dem Gebiet der mittelgriechischen Kriegswissenschaftlichen Literatur”, Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher 8(1931), 225–232, here 226; after 904: G. Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica , vol. I: Die byzantinischenQuellen der Geschichte der Türkvölker, vol. II: Sprachreste der Türkvölker in den byzantinischenQuellen ( BBA 10–11), Berlin 2 1958, I 404; ca 895: G. Dagron, “Byzance et le modèle islamique au Xe siècle. A propos des Constitutions tactiques de l'empereur Léon VI”, [Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 127 (1983)], 219–243, here 219; around 900: J. Haldon, A Critical Commentary on the Taktika of Leo VI , Washington, DC 2014, 254; “in the second half of his (sc. Leo’s) reign”: P. Magdalino, “The Non-Juridical legislation of Leo VI”, in S., Troianos, ed., Analecta Atheniensia ad Jus Byzantinum spectantia I (Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte, Athener Reihe 10), Athen-Komitini 1997, 169–182, here 174 and n. 24; A. Schminck, Studien zu mittelbyzantinischen Rechtsbüchern (Forschungen zur byzantinischenRechtsgeschichte 13), Frankfurt amMain 1986, after a thorough investigation of the manuscript tradition of the