Matochkina Anna I.

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior lecturer

Маточкина А.И.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic degree:

  • Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (2011)

Professional positions:

  • Since 2024 — Senior Lecturer, Department History of the Middle East Countries St. Petersburg State University.
  • 2011-2024 — Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the East, St. Petersburg State University.
  • 2010-2011 — Assistant Researcher, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the East, St. Petersburg State University.


  • 2001-2007 – St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Science of the East. Qualification: Cultural Scientist. Specialty: Cultural Studies (Arab-Muslim culture). 2001-2007
  • 2007-2010 – PhD program in Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Science of the East, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University. 2007-2010
  • PhD thesis: “Religion and power in the teachings of Ibn Taymiyya”, 2011. Supervisor: Prof. T.G. Tumanyan.

Internships/advanced training

  • October 2003 - April 2004 – Internship Program at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt /Oder, Germany)
  • July 8 2007- July 22 2007 - Seminar for Diplomats on Israel in the Middle East at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • February 22, 2010 - March 8, 2010 – Arabic Language Program, at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • June 25 - July 28, 2013 – Summer Courses: Colloquial Arabic. Grade: A. Rothberg International School, Department of Summer Courses and Special Programs, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • 2005 - 2007 – St. Petersburg State University, Educational Program «Translator in the Field of Professional Communication», certificate of supplemental education, qualification: Translator in the Field of Professional Communication (German language)
  • 2011 – 2014 - Higher Education Support Program. Regional Seminars for Excellence in Teaching. Islam: Religious and Social Practices. Universality and Locality.
  • 2017 - as part of a team of authors, preparing an online course “Islam: history, culture, practice”. Link to the course:
  • 2023 – as part of a team of authors, preparing an online course “Introduction to Theology: History and Methodology.” Link to the course:

Scientific interests:

  • Arab-Muslim culture
  • Arab-Muslim philosophy
  • Arab-Muslim art
  • Life and Work of Ibn Taymiyya
  • History of Islam in Russia
  • Arabic graffiti


  • Russian (native)
  • Arabic
  • English
  • German
  • French


  • Islam: history, culture, practice
  • Shia Islam
  • Muslim mysticism. Sufism in time and space
  • The ideological world of Islam
  • Muslim philosophy
  • History of Muslim civilization
  • Orientalism
  • History of societies of the countries of the Muslim world
  • Arab-Muslim philosophy

Main publications:

  • Matochkina A.I. Governance based on Sharia in the views of the medieval Muslim theologian and lawyer Ibn Taymiyya // Observatory of Culture No. 6 2010 P. 137 - 141
  • Matochkina A.I. The problem of power in the views of Ibn Taymiyya // Scientific and theoretical journal of Religious Studies No. 1 2010 P. 143 - 149
  • Matochkina A.I. Appeal to the ideas of Ibn Taymiyya in Modern and Contemporary times // Scientific notes of Kazan University. Series Humanities. T. 155. Book, 3. Part 2. Kazan, 2013. pp. 111 - 119
  • Matochkina A.I. Muslim education in St. Petersburg // Materials of the international conference Islam in Russia: cultural traditions and modern challenges. St. Petersburg, 2013. P.63 - 69
  • Knysh A.D., Matochkina A.I. Islam: history, culture and practice. Introductory course. Textbook, St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2015 – 159 p.
  • Knysh A.D., Matochkina A.I. Shia Islam. Textbook, St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016 – 183 p.
  • Matochkina A.I. Graffiti in the Arab East // Asiatica: works on the philosophy and cultures of the East. Publisher: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (St. Petersburg), No. 12 (2) 2018. pp. 123 - 149
  • Matochkina A.I., Stetskevich M.S. The formation of Russian Islamic studies: between confessionalism and scientific objectivity (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries) // State, religion, Church in Russia and abroad. 2018. T. 36. No. 1. P. 82-106.
  • Matochkina A.I., Ulanova D.V. Information and communication technologies in education using the example of the online course “Islam: history, culture, practice” // Islam in the modern world: domestic and international political aspects. 2020. T. 16. No. 2. P. 205 - 218.
  • Matochkina A.I. Muslim philosophy. Textbook, St. Petersburg, Publishing house: St. Petersburg State University, 2020 – 128 p.
  • Matochkina A.I. Granada in Russian culture of the 19th century. / Asiatica. Transactions on the Philosophy and Cultures of the East, 2022, 16 (2). P. 139-158.
  • Matochkina A.I. Synthesis of Calligraphy and Music in the Work of Bahman Panahi / Oriental Courier. 2022. No. 4. P.199-209.
  • Matochkina A.I. The contribution of German scientists to the development of the Russian school of oriental studies // Asiatica. Works on the philosophy and cultures of the East. 2023, 17 (1). P. 117-135.


