Davydov Artem V.

Давыдов А.В.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


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Research Interests

Mande languages, Bamana/Bambara, Maninka/Malinke, Manding dialectology, N’ko written tradition, corpus linguistics, morphosyntax, Islamic exegesis in African languages, Ajami studies


  • B. A. in Oriental and African Studies (2007). St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Oriental and African Studies, Department of African Studies. B. A. Thesis “A Sketch of Karanjan”.
  • M. A. in Oriental and African Studies (2009). St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Oriental and African Studies, Department of African Studies. M. A. Thesis “The Maninka Grammar Tradition in Souleymane Kante’s Works”.
  • PhD in linguistics (Kandidatskaya) (2012) “The emergence of the Maninka literary language”, St. Petersburg State University.
  • Complementary education program for university teachers (Arabic studies), St. Petersburg State University, 2013-2015. 

Employment History

  • Since September, 2010 – Teaching Bamana and Maninka at St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Oriental and African Studies, Department of African Studies.
  • Since September, 2011 – Assistant lecturer of Maninka and Bamana at the same institution.
  • Since September, 2013 – Associate professor (docent), St. Petersburg State University.

Courses Taught

  • Bamana
  • Maninka (in the N’ko script)

Grants and Scholarships

  • 2011 –  Foundation for Fundamental Linguistic Research (Russia) grant to conduct a dialectological survey on Manding varieties in Guinea.
  • September-November, 2011 – visiting scholar at Langage, langues et cultures d'Afrique noire (LLACAN), CNRS, Paris, France.
  • 2013-2016 – a grant from St. Petersburg State University for the study of Manding dialectology in Guinea and Mali.
  • September, 2018 – February, 2019 – Fulbright visiting scholar at African Studies Center, Boston, MA.


  • August, 2004. Stary Krym, Donetsk Region, Ukraine. Collecting data for the study of the TAM system of the Urum language.
  • August, 2005. Stary Krym, Donetsk Region, Ukraine. Collecting data for the study of the verbal system of the Urum language.
  • January-February, 2006. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivore. Collecting data for the study of the phonetics and phonology of the Karandian language (Manding).
  • June-July, 2010. Guinea and Mali. Collecting data on peripheral dialects of the Bamana language.
  • December, 2011-February, 2012. Guinea and Mali. Conducting a dialectological survey on Manding varieties in Guinea.
  • January-February, 2013. Guinea. Conducting a dialectological survey on Manding varieties in Guinea.
  • August, 2014. Guinea. Conducting a dialectological survey on Manding varieties in Guinea.
  • September, 2014. Mali and Burkina Faso.
  • July-August, 2015. Mali. Studying linguistic variability in Dougoukouna, Segou region.
  • January-February, 2017. Guinea. Collecting data on the Manding dialects of the Forest Guinea (konya, manya, gbeeka).

Conference Talks (selected)

  • May, 2005, St.Petersburg, Olderogge readings (paper: Verbal system of the Mandinka language).
  • May, 2008, Moscow, XI Conference of Africanists (paper: Metrical foot in Karadjan)
  • September, 2008, St. Petersburrg. Mande Languages and Linguistics. 2nd International Conference (paper: On Souleymane Kante's "Nko Grammar).
  • May, 2010, Valletta, Malta. Second Workshop on African Language Technology (AfLaT 2010) (paper: The Manding Corpus: Texts Selection Principles and Metatext Markup).
  • Septerber, 2010, St. Petersburg. Personal pronouns in Niger-Congo languages. International workshop (paper: Historical morphology of personal pronouns in Manding).
  • January, 2011, Paris. Atelier sur le corpus bambara (paper: L’information metatextuel dans le corpus bambara).
  • September, 2011, Paris. Mande Languages and Linguistics. 3rd International Conference (paper: On Souleymane Kanté’s translation of the Quran into the Maninka (N’ko) Language).
  • September, 2013, Paris. Journées d’Etudes Mandenkan-50 (paper: Aperçu d’ensemble sur les dialectes mandingues de la Guinée). 
  • September, 2014, Bobo-Dioullasso, Burkina Faso. Mande Languages and Linguistics. 4th International Conference (paper: Les dialectes mandingues de la Guinée Forestière). 
  • August, 2015, Kyoto, Japan. WOCAL8 (paper: Linguistic aspects of Manding translations of the Quran).
  • August, 2017, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast. Mande Studies Association Conference 2017 (paper: « L'histoire d'amour de Namori et Kaninba » : un roman didactique maninka/N'ko).

Publications (selected)

  • On Souleymane Kante's "Nko Grammar". In: Mande Languages and Linguistics: 2nd International Conference. Abstracts and Papers, St. Petersburg, 2008, pp. 53-60.
  • Script, phonetics and phonology of Manding languages in the works of the linguistic school of Nko. In: African Collection - 2009. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, 2009, pp. 289-295 (in Russian).
  • Phonological foot in the Karandian language. In: Ed. V.A. Vinogradov. Papers on African linguistics. Issue 3. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, 2009, pp. 123-139 (in Russian).
  • Towards The Manding Corpus: Texts Selection Principles and Metatext Markup. In: Eds. Guy De Pauw, H.J.  Groenewald, and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on African Language Technology (AfLaT 2010). Valletta, Malta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2010, pp. 59-62.
  • Historical morphology of personal pronouns in Manding . In: Personal pronouns in Niger-Congo languages. International workshop. Abstracts and papers. Working materials, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 2010, pp. 23-37.
  • Notes on the Bamana dialect of the Bore village. In: Eds. E. Perekhvalskaya, A. Zheltov. Le Monde Mandé. A festschrift to Valentin Vydrin. Materials of the expeditions to West Africa (2001-…). St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2011, pp. 100-109 (in Russian).
  • Maninka grammatical tradition in Souleymane Kanté’s writings. In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Seria 12, 2, pp. 3-14; 3, pp. 31-41 (in Russian).
  • Manding dialects of Guinea and written Maninka. In: Between Niger and Congo, Saint-Petersburg, 2012, pp. 123-141 (in Russian).
  • On Souleymane Kanté’s translation of the Quran into the Maninka Language. In: Mandenkan N. 48, Paris: INALCO, 2012, pp. 3-20.
  • Adlam and Miriden – two new writing systems for Pular and Maninka in Guinea. In: African collection – 2013, pp. 296-307 (in Russian).
  • Mission report. The study of the Manding dialects in the prefectures of Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea and Forest Guinea from January, 21 to February, 20, 2013. Conakry : IRLA, 2013 (with Moussa Sayon Kourouma, in French).
  • The Manding variety of the village of Watagala (Guinea). In: A festschrift to Elena Perekhvalskaya. Saint-Petersburg, 2014, pp. 252-264 (in Russian).
  • Jalonka – an unknown Manding variety in Northern Guinea. In:  Proceedings of the XI Conference on Languages of Far East, Southeast Asia and West. Saint-Petersburg, 2014, pp. 58-62 (in Russian).
  • The names of God in the translations of the Quran into Maninka and Bamana. In: African collection – 2015, pp. 386-429 (in Russian).
  • The N’ko grammar tradition and western linguistics. In: Revue Horizons Faculté des lettres et sciences du language, Conakry, 2015, N. 12, pp. 34-39 (in French).
  • Manding dialects of Guinea . In: Languages of the World. Mande languages, St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2017, pp. 164-172

Electronic Resources

Language Skills

  • Russian
  • English
  • French
  • Bamana
  • Maninka
  • Arabic

Membership in Professional Organizations

  • Old Mande Research Network  (OMRN) (since 2013)

