«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Leather Armour in the Islamic World: a Classic Problem m 93 n Fig. 6. Three lames from a splinted hardened leather or rawhide cuirass from the Euphrates valley of eastern Syria, probably 13 th or 14 th century. The uppermost element has a small raised neck guard while the lowest element has side pieces attached by iron hinges. The armour still has a brightly coloured, overall painted decoration ( Qatar Museums of Authority, Doha; author's photograph ) Fig. 7. Detail of the decorative“feathered”outer layer of very think leather shavings on a splint- ed hardened leather or rawhide cuirass from the Euphrates valley of eastern Syria, probably 13 th or 14 th century ( Qatar Museums of Authority, Doha; author's photograph )