«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

m 40 n Herman Bell and Ré Phillips of Africanists 1 . This became a reality with the first International Congress of Africanists held in 1962 in Ghana under Kwame Nkrumah. In conclusion, this article has argued that a Cultural Centre has the potential to promote Wadi Halfa as a meeting point for discussions about the historic position of Nubia and its future. Present-day scholars from St. Petersburg State University might be well equipped to interpret some of the key issues in the life of Mohamed Wardi and his relationship to the modern Sudan. Local and international scholars could be invited to discuss their ideas on Nubia in an appropriate historical setting by the Nile. References 1. AdamsW. Y. (1996). Kulubnarti. Lexington: University of Kentucky. V. 1, The Archi- tectural Remains . Republished in 2011, London: Sudan Archaeological Research Society. 2. Ahmed J. M. (1985). Stories of Serra East. Khartoum: Khartoum University Press. 3. Bell H. (2009). Paradise Lost. Nubia before the 1964 Hijra. Khartoum: DAL Group. 4. Bell H. (2012). ContemporaryAfrica and the Contribution of Professor Dmitri A. Olderogge (1903–87). In Zheltov, A. (ed.). African Collection — 2011 . St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 5–13. 5. Bell H., Sabbar H. (2011). Nubian Geographical Names and Language Revitali- zation on Both Sides of an International Border. In Jordan P., Bergmann H., Burgess C., Cheetham C. (eds). Trends in Exonym Use. Proceedings of the 10 th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Tainach , 28–30 April 2010. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. P. 295–311. 6. Dyakov N. N. (ed.) (2010). Rossiya i Arabskiy mir. K 200-letiyu professora Sankt- Peterburgskogo universiteta Sheikha at-Tantavi (1810–1861). Materialy konferentsii. 2–3 noyabrya 2010 [Russia and the Arab World. International Conference Dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of Shaykh Muhammad At-Tantawi (1810–1861) — Professor of the St. Petersburg University]. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel’stvo SPbGU. P. 12–21. 7. Dyakov N. N. (2012). In Memoriam. Bicentenary of Shaikh at-Tantawi (1810– 1861): professor of Oriental Studies at the University of St.Petersburg. St. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies , Würzburg: Ergon Verlag. V. 1. P. 205–211. 8. Fernea R. (2004). Putting a Stone in the Middle: The Nubians of NorthernAfrica. In Kemp G., Fry D. (eds.). 2004. Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies around the World. London & New York: Routledge. P. 105–21. 9. Oddoul H. H. (2005). Nights of Musk.Stories from Old Nubia, translated by An- thony Calderbank. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press [Arabic version: Layali al-misk al-‘atiqa . 2002]. 10. Olderogge D. A. (1929). O nekotorykh egypto-nubiyskikh slovakh [On some Egypto-Nubian Words], Publications de la Société Égyptologique à l’Université d’État de Leningrad, v. 1, p. 13 f. [reproduced in Bell (2012, p. 6–8, plates 1–3)]. 11. Phillips R., Bell H. (2013). AVision of Wadi Halfa. In Sudanese National Acad- emy of Sciences, Newsletter , April 2013. 1 Bell (2011). P. 9.