«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Professor Nikolay Dyakov m 21 n Nikolay Dyakov’s Selected Bibliography Books: 1. The Young Algerians and Anticolonial Movement in Algeria in the Late 19 th — Early 20 th Century. Moscow, 1985. ( In Russian ). 2. Morocco: History, Culture, Religion. St. Petersburg, 1993. ( In Russian ). 3. Russia, the West and the Muslim East in the Colonial Epoch. St. Peters- burg, 1996. (Co-author). ( In Russian ) 4. The Muslim Maghrib. Sherifs, Tarikats, Marabuts in the Medieval and Modern History of North Africa. St. Petersburg, 2008. ( In Russian ). 5. Russia and the East. 3 eds.: St. Petersburg, 2000, 2002, 2011. (Co-au- thor). (In Russian). Articles: 1. Ibn Zayyat’s “At-Tashawwuf” and the Moroccan Hagiography in the 11th–13th century // The Historiography of Asia and Africa. № 13, Leningrad, 1990. (In Russian). 2. The Arab West in the Works of St. Petersburg’s Scholars // An-Nafidha. №3. Damascus, 1991. (In Arabic). 3. The Problem of Social and Cultural Decolonisation in the Arab Maghreb // Russia and the Arab World. Academic and Cultural Relations. № 2. St. Petersburg, 1996. (In Russian). 4. Les confréries religieuses du Maghreb et du Caucase du Nord comme facteur ethno-social a l’époque de l’expansion étrangère // Ethnic Encounter and Culture Change. Bergen, 1997. (In French). 5. Arabia at the Turn of a New Age: Documents From the Historical Archives of St. Petersburg // International Conference on “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 100 Years’. Ryadh, 1999. (In English). 6. The History of the ‘Iyalat of Algiers in the “Mirror” of Hamdan ben Oth- man Khodja. St. Petersburg, 2000. (In Russian). 7. Russia and the Arab Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) // Russia and the East. St . Petersburg, 2000, 2002, 2011. (In Russian). 8. Al-Andalus y el Iraq: Viajes e intercambios culturales durante los siglos X–XIII // Entre Oriente y Occidente. Ciudades y viajeros en la edad media. Universidad de Granada. 2005. ( In Spanish ). 9. Documents on the History of the Russian-Arabian Relations in the 19 th — 1 st Half of the 20 th Century // Al-Watheekah. Historical Documents Center. The Kingdom of Bahrain. No. 52. July 2007/ Gomada II, 1428 H. (In English).