«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Leather Armour in the Islamic World: a Classic Problem m 111 n Fig. 36. Sheet of hardened leather or rawhide armour, either for a horseman's thigh or for a horse's neck, from Tower 19 of the Roman frontier fortress of Dura Europos in eastern Syria. Either Syro-Roman, Parthian, Sassanian or Syro-Arab, 3 rd century AD ( Inv. no. 1938, 5999, 1009, Yale University Art Gallery Conservation Department; author's photograph ) Fig. 37. Interior of the edge of a sheet of hardened leather or rawhide armour, either for a horse- man's thigh or for a horse's neck, fromTower 19 of the Roman frontier fortress of Dura Europos in eastern Syria. Either Syro-Roman, Parthian, Sassanian or Syro-Arab, 3 rd century AD ( Inv. no. 1938, 5999, 1009, Yale University Art Gallery Conservation Department; author's photograph )