«Тахиййат»: Сборник статей в честь Н. Н. Дьякова

Leather Armour in the Islamic World: a Classic Problem m 103 n Fig. 22. Interior of a fragment of a hardened leather or rawhide lamellar cuirass, showing leather lacing between lamellae within a row, some of the textile lacing which linked the rows, and a leather strap which probably buckled various elements of the cuirass together. Found in Tower 4 of the Citadel of Damascus, probably Mamlūk 13 th or 14 th century ( Inv. 2001/113, Conservation Department of the Department of Museums and Antiquities, National Museum, Damascus; author's photograph ) Fig. 23. Exterior of linked lamellae from the same hardened leather or rawhide lamellar cuirass, found in Tower 4 of the Citadel of Damascus, probably Mamlūk 13 th or 14 th century ( Inv. 2001/113, Conservation Department of the Department of Museums and Antiquities, National Museum, Damascus; author's photograph ) Fig. 24. Interor of linked lamellae from the same hardened leather or rawhide lamellar cuirass, found in Tower 4 of the Citadel of Damascus, probably Mamlūk 13 th or 14 th century ( Inv. 2001/113, Conservation Department of the Department of Museums and Antiquities, National Museum, Damascus; author's photograp h)