Языки стран Дальнего Востока, Юго-Восточной Азии и Западной Африки

23 Tsankova A. D. | Quantitative Survey on the Correlation of Basic Factors for the Functioning... arguments after the predicate. Regarding the factor “position of the phrase in the discourse”, the marker shows positive though weak correlation with the “beginning of discourse”, and a negative correlation with the variable "end of discourse." On this basis, we can justify that 着 —marked sentence does not play an ending role in the discourse of the narrative. In conclusion, we can summarize the results of the correlational analysis on the basic linguistic factors for the variation in usage of the aspect-tense markers 了 , 过 and 着 as follows: The explication of the post-verbal 了 1 correlates with the semantic type of predicate — telic, and the type of argument — specified. The usage of sentence-final 了 2 differs depending on the type of predicate. When applied to dynamic predicates, 了 2 has a positive and significant correlation with dialogical speech mode and a negative correlation with the variables specified Fig. 6: Variation of 着 with non-dynamic predicates — Correlational Model VI Model Summary Model 6 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 00,654 00,428 00,423 80,614 Coefficients Model 6 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Factor Variables B Std. Error Beta (Constant) –0,780 20,592 –0,301 0,764 Type of event: Durative event 180,238 10,219 00,353 140,961 0 Type of event: Backgrounded event 390,04 10,648 00,561 230,693 0 Type of event: Simultaneous event 100,626 30,924 00,064 20,708 00,007 Type of predicte: Static 00,262 00,691 00,011 00,379 00,705 Type of argument: None 00,475 00,647 00,02 00,734 00,463 Type of sentence: Simple 00,595 00,962 00,016 00,619 00,536 Discourse position: Beginning 00,443 00,59 00,018 00,75 00,453 Speech mode: Narrative 00,229 00,812 00,007 00,282 00,778