Языки стран Дальнего Востока, Юго-Восточной Азии и Западной Африки

14 Языки Стран Дальнего Востока, Юго-Восточной Азии и Западной Африки | LESEWA-XIII 2.3. Resultative 2.4. Delimitative 2.5. Static 3. Type of argument/post-verbal component: 3.1. Specified 3.2. Unspecified 3.3. Clause 3.4. None 4. Sentence type: 4.1. Simple sentence 4.2.1. Complex sentence — main clause 4.2.2. Complex sentence — subordinate clause 5. Discourse position: 5.1. Beginning 5.2. Middle 5.3. End 6. Speech mode: 6.1. Narrative 6.2. Dialogue 7. Type of event (the aspectual meaning, expressed by the form in the text): 7.1. Preceding event 7.2. Accomplished event 7.3. Backgrounded event 7.4. Durative/progressive event 7.5. Referential event 7.6. Simultaneous events 7.7. Imperfective event — state/habitual/repetitive event 7.8. Expected event /irrealis situation 7.9. Change of state /perfect/ inhoative event 7.10. Experiential event The last of the factors (Type of event) represents the variants of aspectual semantics that are commonly differentiated through the usage of different linguistic forms, including the unmarked (neutral) verbal form. The aim of including these properties in the correlational analysis is to assess to what degree the expression of these aspect-tense meanings motivates the usage of the relevant marker in actual speech conditions.