Языки и литературы тюркских народов

69 сопровождающего гласного, т.е. все слово до этого вмешательства явно было *kälgän. В первом из рассматриваемых двух приме- ров — baraġan, сукуна над ра, очевидно, не было, т.е. зачеркива- ния не требовалось, но подставленная над буквой ра фатха отли- чается от соседних аналогичных харакятов (над первым и вторым кяфами), что также свидетельствует о верности предположения Р. Данкова. Ö. Kul The resources about Osman Batur movement In this paper it is aimed to evaluate the resources that provide information about Osman Batur who is called Golden Legend in Na- tional Independence Movements in East Turkistan. Also the truth or falsity of the resources which give information about Osman Batur’s services will be revealed. In this context, we seek to evaluate the re- sources in different languages. At the same time, oral history sources will be mentioned. In this work, we referred to not only primary but also secondary sources. The resources which are evaluated in this paper are for examples, M. Cable-F. French, (The Gobi Desert: A Desert Journal London 1943) ve Through Jade Gate and Central Asia (London 1950), A. Barmine (OneWho Survived, NewYork 1945), W. Skrede (Across the Roof of the World, London 1954), G. Lias (Kazak Exodus, London 1956), B. David- son (Turkestan Alive: New Travels in Chinese Central Asia, London 1957), Le Févre (An Eastern Odysses, London 1962), A.D. Barnett (China on the Eve of the Communist Takeover London 1963), Zhan Da-jun’un Xin-jiang fen bao qi shi nian, (Tai-bei 1980), AHistory of Mi- gration of Xin-jiang Kazak People (Xin-jiang Üniv. Yay, Urumçi 1993), V.İ. Petrov (Myatejnoe serdtse Azii, sintszyan kratkaya istoriya narodnıh dvijeniy i vospominaniya Moskova 2003), G. Çandarlıoğlu (Özgürlük Yolu, Nurgocay Bahadır’ın Anılarıyla Osman Batur, İstanbul 2006) etc.