Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 649  The Structure of the Mandarin Syllable: why, when and how to teach it   6. An overview of the inventory of phonemic finals (i. e. the existing sequences GVX). The inventory of finals is to be presented in the following order (cf. Dragunov and Dragunova 1955, Speshnev 1972): • the basic finals: V (= simple vowels), VV (= falling diphthongs), and VC (= a simple vowel plus a nasal); • the complex finals augmented by a medial: GV (= rising diphthongs), GVV (= triphthongs), and GVC (= a medial plus a simple vowel, plus a nasal) Note that the suggested final types are different both from the groups of “simple finals”, “compound finals” and “nasal finals” commonly presented in Chinese textbooks, and from the four traditional categories si hu . 7. An overview of the inventory of phonological tones. Elucidating the phonetic properties of tones on the isolated syllables. 8. Presenting the whole inventory of syllables. First, mapping the existing combinations of initials and finals and explaining the systematic and acciden- tal gaps in the syllable inventory (using the sì hū categories of finals). Awell- known foldable table of syllables may serve as a useful aid here. Second, presenting the combinations of the segmental syllables with the tones: not all syllables may occur in all four tones. 9. Teaching the whole inventory of tonal syllables (the tones must always be included in what follows): • Combinations of all initial consonants with the V finals (simple vo- wels). The initials are to be ordered according to the traditional rows, reflecting the place of articulation: / b, p, m, f / —  / d, t, n, l / —  / z, c, s / , etc. Explaining the phonetic features of the initials within the particular rows. • Combinations of the initial consonants with the VV finals (falling diph- thongs) and VC finals (simple nasal finals). Explaining the phonetic features of the VV finals and VC finals, pointing out the specific pro- perties of the four terminals / i / , / u / , / n / , / ng / . Explaining the phonetic rules operating within a subfinal, in particular the anticipatory assimila- tions of a main vowel to a terminal. • Combinations of the initial consonants with the GV finals (rising diph- thongs). Explaining the phonetic features of the GV finals, pointing out the specific properties of the three medials / i / , / u / , / / . • Combinations of the initial consonants with the GVV finals (triph- thongs). Explaining the phonetic features of the GVV finals. • Combinations of the initial consonants with the GVC finals (complex nasal finals). Explaining the phonetic features of the GVC finals. Prac- tical training in relation to the syllables.