Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 648  Hana Třísková   vocalic and consonantal segments (or “ Pīnyīn letters”). Syllable struc- ture is seldom analyzed in any more detail, the generalizations about the properties of particular components are missing. Consequently, the correct phonetic shape of each newly acquired final has to be learned by mechanical imitation. Students frequently repeat the same mistakes, being unaware of their underlying logic. • However, the underlying logic of the major mistakes in pronouncing the isolated syllables is systematical and rather transparent. We be- lieve this fact may be efficiently utilized in language teaching: a sim- ple remedy is to elucidate the structure of the Mandarin syllable and the phonetic properties of its constituents at the very beginning of a study program. Suggested procedure In light of the above described facts, we suggest a rearrangement of the steps in the process of teaching the basic syllabary of Mandarin to foreign students in the following way: 1. A brief introduction of the Mandarin syllable as a combination of up to four C and V segments; an overview of twelve syllable types: V, CV, VV, VC, GV, GVV, GVC, CVV, CVC, CGV, CGVV, CGVC. 2. An introduction into the hierarchical structure of the Mandarin syl- lable, using the Initial-Final model ; outlining the subsyllabic components of different levels and their mutual relationships and pointing out that the clos- est relationship is between V an X. 3. An overview of the four components at the level of segments which build up a syllable template C-G-V-X: an initial ( sh ngm , C) , a medial ( yùntóu , G) , a main vowel ( yùnfù , V) , and a terminal ( yùnw i , X). Pointing out that these components are principally defined by their position within a syllable template, not by their vocalic/consonantal status. Introducing eight syllable templates: V, CV, VX, GV, GVX, CVX, CGV, CGVX. 4. Listing the inventories of phonemes allowed for each of the positions C, G, V, X. A brief account of the phonetic features of C, G, V, X. Listing the phonemes which may occur in more than one position, namely / i /, / u /, / /, / n / . A brief overview of their positional variants. 5. An overview of the inventory of phonological initials (C). Explain- ing the phonological system of Mandarin initials (the stops and the af- fricates fall into two contrasting series — one unaspirated, the other one aspirated).