Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 622  Hana Třísková   sonant ( sh ngm 声母 ), while the second one represents the rest of the syl- lable (called “a final”, yùnm 韵母 later on), including the tone. For example, the modern Mandarin syllable hu ng can be represented by two characters pronounced as h ( ) and ( k) uáng . Furthermore, the rhyming dictionaries re- flected the knowledge held by their authors of the subsyllabic constituent corresponding to “rhyme” in Figure 1. It was the rhyme-carrying part of the syllable ( yùn 韵 in Chinese; this Chinese term means either “a rhyme”, or “a rhyme category”). Note that the component called yùn 韵 does not include a medial (cf. Figure 2); the syllables with an identical rhyme and a diffe- rent medial may rhyme. For instance, the modern syllables d āng , xi āng and ku āng rhyme. As far as the remaining subsyllabic components are concerned, there are signals that the medieval Chinese phonologists had some implicit knowledge of the existence of the medial element ( yùntóu 韵头 ), and of the terminal element ( yùnw i 韵尾 ). However, Chinese phonological tradition never actually arrived at an explicit analysis of the syllable into segments. The analysis of yùn 韵 into a nucleus ( yùnfù 韵腹 ) and ending ( yùnw i 韵尾 ) was achieved much later under the influence of Western phonology. The second model of the Mandarin syllable mentioned above was the Onset-Rime model . It is much more recent than the Initial-Final model , be- ing adopted by many contemporary phonologists [Li 1999; Duanmu 2002; Lin 2007: 108]. It is not compatible with Pīnyīn . This model is shown in the following diagram (fig. 4). = syllable O = onset   O R R = rime  N = nucleus N Co Co = coda C = consonant         G = glide        V = vowel C         G   V X   X = consonant or glide k        w    a n k        w  a i Figure 4. The Onset-Rime model [Lin 2007: 108]