Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 608  David Sehnal   2. lok in function of postposition (locative in function of postposition following the noun) 千里之行,始於足下 “One-thousand-miles journey begins under one’s feet.” (LXIV) 3. lok in function of attribute (locative in function of attribute of a nominal element of sentence) 大邦者下流 “Those big states are [like] lower stream [of a river].” (LXI) 4. n (locative in nominal function with nominal categorial meaning) 其 上不皦,其下不昧 “Its upper part does not shine, its lower part is not ob- scure.” (XIV) 5. vt (locative in function of a transitive predicative verb) 是以聖人欲上 民,必以言下之 And so, when the sages wanted to surpass the people, they inevitably placed themselves lower than it in verbal statements.” (LXVI) 6. prepositional vt (locative in function of a prepositional verb) 有物混 成,先天地生 “There is a thing which was created from chaos, it was born earlier than Heaven and Earth.” (XXV) 7. adv (locative in function of an adverbial modifier) 前識者,道之華, 而愚之始 “To have knowledge [of things] in advance is a [mere] flower of the proper Way, it is the beginning of stupidity.” (XXXVIII) § 4. Dictionary The last part of the present work is the Dictionary of all attested words in the text of Laozi in their concrete syntactic functions. Although the diction- ary is arranged traditionally according to the number of strokes of the head character, it is a dictionary of 詞典 cídi n - and not of 字典 zìdi n -type. My intention here was to put together the material scattered in individual glosses of the Commentary with stress on the tracing of identity of Old Chinese lexemes. Identity of the “full” OC lexeme in my understanding is given by its pronunciation and lexical meaning, to which corresponds exactly one basic categorial meaning (word class). From this can be derived other categorial meanings, depending on in which special functions the given lexeme is used. As it was described above, the secondary categorial meaning could be lexi- calized which is recognised by the fact, that at least one another secondary categorial meaning could have been derived. In the Dictionary, in bold letters are written the written character represent- ing the given lexeme together with its pronunciation: in TLS the combination of graphic and phonetic representation corresponds to the unit called LEXEME REPRESENTATION. If the Lexeme Representation is further combined with the corresponding lexical meaning (also in bold letters), a unit which in TLS is