Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 606  David Sehnal   4. adv (numeral in function of adverbial modifier) 民利百倍 “Benefit for the people will be multiplied hundred times.” (XIX) Basic numerals are combined into complex numerals according to gener- ally known rules. 3.6. Stative words (STAT, STATP) Stative words are traditionally classified under adjectives, but they have some important specifics. They cannot be negated by any negations, they do not dintinguish degrees and they cannot be used in function of a causative or putative transitive verb. As for their meaning, stative words do not express any concrete feature or state, but they rather evoke and association with such feature or state. (Cf. English “hey ho”, “okey-dokey” etc.) Therefore they are often hard to translate and when judging on their meaning we must often rely on the commentary. Formally, state words are typically di- or polysyllabic. They are most- ly formed by a complete or partial reduplication of the syllable ( 雙聲 shu ngsh ng -type — reduplication of the initial, or 疊韻 di yùn -type — re- duplication of the rhyme). Individual syllables do not carry any individual meaning, the meaning is carried only by the combination of both syllables. Both syllables can be separated only exceptionally, probably because of the rhythmic reasons, e. g. 恍惚 hu nghū > 惟恍惟惚 w ihu ngw ihū “be blurred“, “be unclear“, “be shaky“. Another way of formation of stative words is affixation with suffixes 然 r n , 若 ruò , 焉 y n and some others. These suffixes can be added to the reduplicated form, e. g. 綿綿若 mi nmi nruò statp “be continuous”, “be uninterrupted”, but also to an adjectival morpheme. In the second case they retain the lexical meaning of the adjective they are derived from. E. g. 超然 ch or n statp “tower above everything”, “occupy the highest place”. State words are used in function of a predicative verb, adverbial modifier and rarely of attribute. In nominal functions they refer to the abstract denomi- nation of the given state or feeling. Syntactic functions of stative words attested in the text of Laozi : 1. statp (stative word in function of a predicative verb) 眾人熙熙 “ The masses are delighted.” (XX) 2. statp in function of adverbial modifier (stative word in function of adverbial modifier of a predicative verb) 綿綿若存 “It continuously remains intact.” (VI) 3. statp.postV (stative word in function of a post-verbal adverbial modi- fier) 燕處超然 “He might dwell quietly at the highest position … ” (XXVI)