Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 605  Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi   struction) 常有司殺者殺 “Normally it were executioners who performed executions.” 33. vtV0 (transitive verb with function of a predicative verb without sub- stitutable subject with one predicative object) 希有不傷其手 “It rarely hap- pens that one would not wound his hand.” (LXXIV) 34. vtS0 (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb without sub- stitutable subject with one object expressed by a sentence) 言以喪禮處之 “[By this] is meant that it (warfare) is treated according to mourning rituals.” (XXXI) 35. vi (transitive verb in function of a intransitive predicative verb) 生而 不有 “They (the sages) produced [everything possible], but did not claim any possesion.” (LI) 36. n (transitive verbs in function of a nominal element of sen- tence — nouns derived from transitive verbs are often also transitive) ) 國之 賊 “… crippling of the state.” (LXV) 37. adv (transitive verb in function of adverbial modifier of a predicative verb) 萬物並作 “All thing arise side by side.” (XVI) Disyllabic transitive verbs in the text of Laozi perform only the common functions; we have detected only the nominal disyllabic 馳騁 chích ng np “wild race” < VPt “race along for something”. 3.5. Numerals (NUM, NUMP) Numerals in Old Chinese belong among predicatives, i. e. they can be ne- gated by the negation 不 bù and they can function as a predicative verb. They have similar functions to adjectives, but they cannot be used in comparative constructions. A numeral can be used in its basic meaning, but also as ordinal or generic numeral. Some of the numerals are sometimes regarded as “round”, i. e. they can be used figuratively in the meaning of “all”, “every”, etc. Special functions of numerals are nominal functions and function of the ad- verbial modifier, as well as functions of causative or putative transitive verbs. Syntactic functions of numerals attested in the text of Laozi : 1. num (numeral in function of a predicative verb) 此兩者,同出而異名 “As for these two (= these being two in number), they have common origin but are called differently.” (I) 2. num in function of attribute (numeral in function of attribute to the nominal head) 三十輻,共一轂 “Thirty spokes share one hub.” (XI) 3. n (numeral in function of a nominal element of sentence) 道生一,一 生二 “The proper Way generates the first thing, the first thing generates the second thing” (XLII)