Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 604  David Sehnal   preposition) 而不責於人 “But they did not enforce anything from the oth- ers.” (LXXIX) 22. vtV (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with a predica- tive object) 故能長生 “Therefore they are able to live for a long time.” (VII) 23. passive vtV.om (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb in passive voice whose omitted predicative logical object has been transformed into the syntactic subject of the construction) 用之不足既 “If one uses it, [doing so] cannot be quitted.” (XXXV) 24. vtV.om (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with the omitted predicative object) 孰敢 “Who would dare [to act so]?” (LXXIV) 25. vtADJ (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with an adjec- tival object — it involves only the verb 為 w i which participates in formation of adjectival predicates) 皆知善之為善,斯不善已 “When everybody under- stood that good was good, then they [understood] the bad.” (II) 26. vtS (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb which governs the sentence) 不曰: “ 求以得,有罪以免 ” 邪? “Is it not said: ‘You will by using it find what you are looking for; if you committed a crime, by using it you will avoid punishment?’” (LXII) 27. vttV (transitive verb with function of a predicative verb with two ob- jects, one of which being predicative) 夫代司殺者殺,是謂代大匠斲 “In- deed, as for executing instead of the executioner, this means to cut instead of the senior carpenter.” (LXXIV) 28. vttVprep (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with two objects, one of which being predicative and being introduced by a preposi- tion) 為之於未有,治之於未亂 “Work on it before it comes to existence, put in into order before it gets into chaos.” (LXIV) 29. vttS (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with two ob- jects, one of which being expressed by the sentence) 天下皆謂我: “ 道大, 似不肖 ” “The whole world addresses me [saying]: “The proper Way is im- portant, but it seems to be worth of nothing.” (LXVII) 30. vt0 (transitive verb in the function of a predicative verb with one ob- ject without a substitutable subject) 天下有道 “If there is the proper Way in the world… ” (XLVI) 31. vt0 in inchoative aspect (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with one object without a substitutable subject referring to the begin- ning of the given action or of the given state) 大道廢,有仁義 “When the great proper Way was abandoned, there emerged [concepts] of ‘humanity’ and ‘rectitude’.” (XVIII) 32. vt0pivot (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb without substitutable subject governing a common element forming a pivotal con-