Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 603  Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi   9. vt in function of attribute (transitive verb in function of attribute to a nominal head) 殺人之眾,以悲哀泣之 “When killed people are numerous, we weep for them with deep grief.” (XXXI) 10. medium vt in function of attribute (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb in medium voice used as attribute to a nominal head) 建德 若偷 “Solid (= well established) De is as if it were fraudulent.” (XLI) 11. vt {prep} + n.adV (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb forming together with its object a prepositional construction) 以道佐人主者 “Who using the proper Way assists the ruler … ” (XXX) 12. vt.postvt (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with an object following another transitive verb with its object) 強字之曰道 “In a forced manner, I gave it the adult name Dao ” (XXV) 13. vt.postvtt (transitive verb in function of predicative verb with an ob- ject following another transitive verb with two objects) 強為之名曰大 “In a forced manner, I invented for it a personal name Great.” (XXV) 14. vtpivot (transitive verb in function of predicative verb with the com- mon element forming a pivotal construction) 五色令人目盲 “All kinds of colours cause the human eyes become blind.” (XII) 15. vtpivot.om (transitive verb in function of predicative verb with the omitted common element forming a pivotal construction) 故令有所屬 “Therefore let us arrange that [the people] has somebody to attach to (with confidence).” (XIX) 16. vtt (transitive verb in function of predicative verb with two objects) 故強為之容 “Therefore I will make a description for it by force.” (XV) 17. vttprep (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with two ob- jects, one of which being introduced by a preposition) 修之於鄉,其德乃長 “Who cultivates it ( Dao ) in the community, his De is thus enduring.” (LIV) 18. causative vtt (transitive verb in function of a causative transitive verb with two objects) 兵無所容其刃 “The weapon has no way how to find enough space for its blade (= has no means how to cause its blade to find enough space).” (L) 19. causative vttprep (transitive verb in function of a causative predica- tive verb with two objects, one of which being introduced by a preposition) 動之於死地 “Somebody drives them into a situation (< place) of death.” (L) 20. vtt.om (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with two ob- jects, one of which being omitted) 將欲取之,必固與之 “If you want to take something from somebody, you must inevitably give him something.” (XXXVI) 21. vttprep.om (transitive verb in function of a predicative verb with two objects, one of which being omitted and the second one introduced by a