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 600  David Sehnal   2. vi in inchoative aspect (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb referring to the beginning of a process or state) 虛而不屈,動而愈 出 “If it is empty, it does not bend; if it sets into motion, it creates more and more.” (V) 3. vi in continuative aspect (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb without object referring to continuation of a process or state) 萬物作而 不為始 “All things were arising, but they did not give any initial impulse for that.” (II) 4. vi in attributive function (intransitive verb in function of attribute of a nominal expression) 天下有道,卻走馬以糞 “If in the world prevails the proper Way, it returns the running horses to producing manure.” (XLVI) 5. vtprep (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb taking an ob- ject with preposition) 天下難事,必作於易 “Difficult things in the world inevitably arise from the easy ones.” (LXIII) 6. vt (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb taking an object which is not the logical object of an action) 殺人之眾,以悲哀泣之 “When killed people are numerous, we weep for them with deep grief.” (XXXI) 7. causative vt (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb taking an object which is the logical object of the action) 不知常,妄作凶 “Who does not understand normal things, causes in his disorientation disaster to arise.” (XVI) 8. causative vt in medium (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb in the causative meaning taking a logical object. The subject of the verbal process is indifferent or irrelevant.) 其脆易泮,其微易散 “What is fragile is easily broken, what is tiny is easily scattered.” (LXIV) 9. causative passive vttprep (intransitive verb in function of a predic- ative verb in passive causative meaning which governs a subject with the meaning of logical object and another object with preposition) 魚不可脫於 淵 “Fish cannot be removed from the deep pool.” (XXXVI) 10. vtV (intransitive verb in function of predicative verb taking a pre- dicative object) 是樂殺人 “That would mean that he finds delight in killing others.” (XXXI) 11. adv (intransitive verb in function of adverbial modifier of a predica- tive verb) 不如坐進此道 “The best thing is sitting promote this proper Way.” (LXII) 12. n (intransitive verb in function of a nominal element of sentence) 千 里之行,始於足下 “One-thousand-miles journey begins under one’s feet.” (LXIV) Disyllabic intransitive verbs are in the text of Laozi detected only in the function of objectless predicative verb and in nominal function. If they are