Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 598  David Sehnal   23. vtprep (adjective in function of transitive verb with the object intro- duced by a preposition. The function vt without the added feature of causa- tivity, putativity or attitude is for adjectives not typical. Here we also find the adjective 同 tóng , which is treated by Nikitina separately as a special adjec- tive with many different syntactic functions. Possibly we have a derivation ADJ > Vt here.) 故從事於道者,同於道 “Therefore, who works hard at Dao , is in agreement with Dao .” (XXIII.) 24. n — carrier of the given quality ( adjective in nominal function re- ferring to the carrier of the given quality) 弱之勝強 “That the week defeats the strong …” (LXXVIII.) 25. n — abstract denomination of the given quality (adjective in nomi- nal function referring to the abstract denomination of the given quality) 守柔 曰強 “Maintain submissiveness means to be strong.“ (LII) 26. adv (adjective in function of adverbial modifier of a predicative verb) 善建者不拔,善抱者不脫 “What is well established will not be pulled out, what is well embraced will not escape.“ (LIV) Disyllabic adjectives in Laozi are either formed by two root morphemes or with one root morpheme and one affix. Disyllabic adjectives are often used in nominal functions. In the text of Laozi I have found no disyllabic adjective in the function of vt . Syntactic functions of disyllabic adjectives attested in the text of Laozi : 1. adjp (dissyllabic adjective in function of predicative verb) 谷神不 死,是謂玄牝 “The magical force of the valley is immortal, this is called ‘mysterious vagina’.” (VI) 2. adjpprep in comparative (disyllabic adjective in function of predica- tive verb in comparative degree followed by preposition introducing the ob- ject of comparison) 天下莫柔弱於水 “In the world there is nothing softer and weaker than water.” (LXXVIII) 3. np — abstract denomination of the given quality (disyllabic adjec- tive in nominal function referring to the abstract denomination of the given quality) 信不足焉,有不信焉 “Where is lack of credibility, there is dis- trust.” (XVII) 4. vpi in inchoative aspect (disyllabic adjective in function of predicative verb referring to the beginning of a process, state or to obtaining the given qual- ity) 六親不和; 有孝慈 “When six kinds of family relations became dishar- monious, there appeared [concepts] of ‘filial piety’ and ‘parental love’.” (XVIII) 5. advp (disyllabic adjective in function of adverbial modifier of a predic- ative verb) 古之善為士者,微妙玄通 “Those who in ancient times excelled as officials, did in a subtle and refined way mysteriously understand things thoroughly.” (XV)