Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 597  Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi   object to obtain the given quality’) 保此道者,不欲盈 “Those who main- tained this Way did not desire it being implemented to the full extent.“ (XV) 15. causative vt in medium (adjective in function of transitive verb in medium voice referring to the fact that due to some circumstances the ob- ject was caused to have the given quality) 大盈若沖,其用不窮 “The great filling up is as if it were flushed out, [but] its functionality will not be ex- hausted.“ (XLV) 16. putative vt (adjective in function of transitive verb referring to the fact that subject regards the object as having the given quality) 是以聖人猶 難之,故終無難矣 “And so the sages considered things being anyway dif- ficult, therefore they never had difficulties.“ (LXIII) 17. putative vt.om (adjective in function of transitive verb referring to the fact that the subject regards the contextually determinate object as hav- ing the given quality) 是以聖人處上而民不重 “And so the sages had their position above, but the people did not regard it as heavy encumbrance.” (LXVI) 18. passive putative vt (adjective in function of transitive verb refer- ring to the fact that the object is regarded as having the given quality) 道之尊,德之貴,夫莫之命而常自然 “That Dao is respected and De is regarded as valuable, nobody has commanded this, but it is normally so by itself.” (LI) 19. putative vt0 (adjective in function of transitive verb without any sub- stitutable subject referring to the fact that one generally regards the object as having the given quality) 居善地,心善淵 “In dwelling one appreciates the place, in thought one appreciates the depth. (VIII) 20. putative vtV0 (adjective in function of transitive verb without any substitutable subject referring to the fact that one generally regards the verbal object as having the given quality) 上善若水 “In the ruler one appreciates that he is like water.“ (VIII) 21. attitudinal vt (adjective in function of transitive verb referring to the fact that the subject treats the object as if it had the given quality) 民之 輕死,以其上求生之厚 “That the people treats death as unimportant is be- cause those above are seeking for abundance in their lives. (LXXV) 22. vt in inchoative aspect (adjective in function of transitive verb referring to the beginning of an action or state . The function vt without the added feature of causativity, putativity or attitude is for adjectives not typical. Here we find the adjective 同 tóng , which is treated by Nikitina separately as a special adjective with many different syntactic functions. Possibly we have a derivation ADJ > Vt here.) 同其塵 “Let us merge with that dust.” (LVI)