Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 596  David Sehnal   comparison) 咎莫大於欲得 “No disaster is bigger than greed for gain.“ (XLVI) 5. adjprepV in comparative (adjective in function of predicative verb in comparative degree followed by preposition introducing a predicative object of comparison) 是賢於貴生 “This is wiser than to regard life as valuable.“ (LXXV) 6. adjV (adjective in function of predicative verb followed by another predicative expression) 吾言甚易知,甚易行 “My proposals are very easy to understand, very easy to carry out.“ (LXX) 7. adj in function of attribute (adjective in function of attribute to the nominal head) 天下難事,必作於易 “Difficult things in the world inevitably arise from the easy ones.” (LXIII) 8. vi (adjective in function of intransitive verb. This syntactic function of adjectives is problematic, examples are not very illustrative. Possibly, there is rather a derivation ADJ > Vi taking place.) 容乃公,公乃全 “Only who is tolerant acts in public interest. Only who acts in public interest is perfect.“ (XVI) 9. vi in inchoative aspect (adjective in function of intransitive verb refer- ring to the beginning of an process, state or obtaining the given quality) 五 色令人目盲 “All kinds of colours cause human eyes become blind.” (XII) 10. vi in conative aspect (adjective in function of intransitive verb refer- ring to a state or quality achieving of which is the subject’s aim) 是以聖人之 治,虛其心, 實其腹,弱其志,強其骨 “And so, when the sages tried to make perfect order, they emptied its [people’s] minds and filled its stomach, weakened its ambitions and strengthened its bones.“ (III) 11. vi in continuative aspect (adjective in function of intransitive verb referring to ‘maintaining the given state’ or ‘keeping the given quality’) 我 無事而民自富 “We are making no effort and the people keeps being rich by itself.” (LVII) 12. causative vt in inchoative aspect (adjective in function of transi- tive verb meaning ‘cause something to obtain the given quality’) 將以愚之 “They intended to use it (the Way) in order to turn it (the people) into na ve dullards.” (LXV) 13. causative vt in conative aspect (adjective in function of transitive verb meaning ‘try to cause something to obtain the given quality’) 揣而銳 之,不可長保 “Hammer [the blade] and try to make it as sharp as possib- le — it will not be able to be preserved for a long time.“ (IX) 14. causative vt.om in inchoative aspect (adjective in function of transi- tive verb with an omitted object meaning ‘cause the contextually determinate