Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 594  David Sehnal   10. putative vt (noun in function of putative transitive verb with one ob- ject) 味無味 “Regard as tasty what is tasteless.“ (LXIII) 11. putative vt.om (noun in function of putative transitive verb with one omitted object) 往而不害 “[The people] will rally [to him] and will not con- sider it as harm.“ (XXXV) 12. attitudinal vt (noun in function of attitudinal transitive verb with one object) 聖人皆孩之 “The sages treated all of them like children.“ (XLIX) 13. vttV (noun in function of transitive verb with two objects, one of them being predicative) 強字之曰道 “I was compelled to give it the adult name Dao .” (XXV) 14. adv (noun in function of adverbial modifier of a predicative verb) 周 行而不殆 “It moves in circles without any indolence.“ (XXV) Disyllabic nouns can have diverse inner structure. An important group among them are nouns compounded of two synonymic morphemes express- ing generic concepts: 甲兵 ji bīng NP “armour and weapons of any kind” < n “armour” + n “weapon” 舟輿 zh uyú NP “traffic means” < n “boat” + n “chariot” 兕虎 sìh NP “wild and dangerous animals” < n “rhinoceros” + n “tiger” I will provide also some examples of other types of disyllabic nouns: 百姓 b ixìng NP < num + n “population”, also “influential people”, “gen- try” 天下 ti nxià NP < n + lok “world” 聖人 shèngr n NP < adj + n “sages” 多言 du y n NP < adv + vi “chatterer” 無物 wúwù NP < prefix + n “state of non-existence of things” Disyllabic nouns in Laozi occur only in nominal functions and in the function of attribute. The only registered instance of predicative usage is passive vpt (polysyllabic noun in function of passive transitive verb whose object was transformed into the passive subject). 其可左右 “Such [ruler] could have been given assistance.” (XXXIV) 3.2. Adjectives (ADJ, ADJP) Adjectives are words expressing quality (sometimes quantity) in one of the three degrees: positive, comparative and superlative. Their most common