Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 581  Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi   nature of the 說文解字 Shu W n Ji Zì dictionary as purely grammatologi- cal and not lexicographic work. If we take as example the simplest Chinese character 一 yī , by looking into TLS we discover that this single character may represent at least 15 Lexemes in the following Synonym Groups: ALL, AS SOON AS, CON- CENTRATE, ENDURING, IF, INDEFINITE ARTICLE, ONCE, ONE, OTHER, PRECEDE, SAME, THIS, UNITE, WHEN, WHOLE. These ho- mophonous (and also homographic) Lexemes are registered in 30 different syntactic unctions and corresponding categorial meanings. The problem of the identity of OC words is one of the current challenges for the sinologists and the analytic material recorded in TLS can serve as an important source for further research. In my Dictionary I attempt to go further than TLS in that respect that I am trying to organize the discovered meanings and functions of OC words hierarchically, to show how they — often in a predictable way — derive one from another. Apart from the analytic apparatus of TLS I was inspired by the views of the German sinologist and general linguist Georg von der Gabelentz and the Russian sinologist T. N. Nikitina. Gabelentz in his famous Chinesische Grammatik looks on the OC words from two perspectives: from the perspective of their belonging to a certain word class ( Wortkategorie ) and from the perspective of their syntactic func- tion in the sentence ( Redetheil ). Unfortunately, he does not deal with the relation between these two aspects in detail and he lets the answer of how Wortkategorien and Redetheile relate to each other mostly unresponded. Harbsmeier in the system of TLS does not use explicitly Wortkategorien . As far as the fixed word class membership of the given Lexeme one could (and one sometimes can) judge according to its classification under this or that general meaning (SYNONYM GROUP in the system of TLS). Other- wise his syntactic apparatus is analogical to Gabelentz’s Redetheile . The one who goes furthest in investigating the relationship between the function carried out (or potentially carried out) by the given word in a sen- tence and its word class which can be recorded in a dictionary is Nikitina. Also according to Nikitina (as it is de facto with Harbsmeier) the semantic classification of words should testify their syntactic classification. But Niki- tina has inspiring insights as for the tracing of the word’s identity, its basic categorial meaning and derived categorial meanings. For example, according to Nikitina, the character 苦 k represents two lexemes: 1) the adjective “be bitter”, “be hard” and 2) the verb “suffer from something”. We are dealing here with two different lexemes, because each of them appears in its own set of constructions.