Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 575  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   By limiting the analysis to these categories, syntactic features and syn- tactic relations, the CLAVIS presents basic features of grammatical analysis, but it omits the crucial area of co-reference and anaphora between often non- adjacent and non-explicit (understood) constituents as well as important mat- ters of scope. The present appendix presents basic patterns of co-reference and of what I call “scope” in classical Chinese syntactic structure. Such pat- terns must be understood if one is to construe the semantics of classical Chi- nese sentences correctly. The underlying principles of anaphora and of scope are a central part of classical Chinese grammar. The Main Types of Anaphoric or Cataphoric Co-reference in Classical Chinese Referential nominal anaphora will be written with subscripts “ -m, -n ”. Ø -n zì w i zhī hū Ø -n 自 -n 為之乎 ? self produce it / zhi quest / hu “does (the man)Ø -n himself -n produce them?” Verbal anaphora is written with subscripts “ -v, -w ” g zhī r n ji yòng zhī 古 之人皆[用之] -v ,吾何為獨不然 -v ? old ‘ s man all / jie use it / zhi . i what for alone / du not like - this / ran “The ancients all used it, why should I not do so?” Sentential anaphora will be written with subscripts “ -s, -t ” . F ng Wú zhī zhī 方吾知之 -s F ang W u understand it / zhi “Fāng Wú understood this.” jīn y bù r n 今也不然 -s now judge / ye not like - this / ran “Nowadays it is not like that .” Non-referential or generic nominal, verbal or sentential anaphoric co- reference will be written with subscripts “ -nx, -ny; -vx, -vy; -sx, -sy ” respectively. zhī jǐ r n hòu zhī r n Ø -nx 知己 -nx 然後知人 know self like - this / ran afterwards know man “Having understood oneself only then one understands others.” Cataphoric co-reference will be written with subscript “ >i, >x, >s ” wú w n zhī yu . 吾聞之 >s 曰 :[...] -s i hear it say : ... “I have heard it said: “...” Buddhist Chinese: rú shì wú w n 如是 >s 吾聞 like this i hear “I have learns as follows...” Incorporated anaphora will be written out with bracketing of the index “ -(n), -(m) ”. cì zhū r n 賜諸 -(n) 人 give it - to other “gave it to someone else” Verb-reflexivising double subject-object-anaphora is written with sub- scripts “ -nn, -mm ” fú zǐ zì dào y [ 夫子 ] -n 自 -nn 道也 master self speak judge / ye “You Master, yourself -n speak-of yourself -n ” SJ 30.98 Plural distributive anaphora refers back to each member of the antecedent set separately, and this is may sometimes be made explicit with subscript “ -/n/ ”.