Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 574    Christoph Harbsmeier PPadV.post-S jūn suī qi ng b n qù g ng … mín yóu- ruò bù zú y 君雖彊本趣耕...民猶若不足也。 RULER EVEN/IF STRONG>STRENGTHEN BASIS PRIORITISEAGRICULTURE … PEO- PLE STILL LIKE NOT SUFFICIENT MODAL/PART “Even if the ruler emphasises what is basic and gives priority to agriculture … the people will still not be in sufficient supply.” Postnominal PPs PPpostN PPpost-N.+S wù yě-zhě su yǐ y ng xìng y 物也者所以 養性也 THING MODAL/PART SUBJECT/WHICH/PRO OBJECT/OF/ FOLLOWING/VT/WHICH/PRO USE NOURISH NATURE “ As for things in general they are that with which one nurtures one’s nature.” PPpost-Npr.+S T ng W yě-zhě 湯武也者 … TANG WU MODAL/PART SUBJECT/WHICH/PRO ...“ As for Tāng and Wǔ, ...” [NB: this is one of the cases where the PP is probably not even a constituent. 待考 ] PPpost-Nab{NOMINALISED TOPIC}.+S bù shòu yě- zhě shì yì ... 不受也者是亦 ... NOT ACCEPT MODAL/PART SUBJECT/ WHICH/PRO “As for the fact that he did not accept it, this was surely...” Postsentential PPs PPpostS PPpostadS jì zh jiào zhī b n yě-yǐ 祭者教之本也已 SACRIFICE SUBJECT/WHICH/PRO TREACH GENITIVE/PRO BASIS MODAL/PART STOP>MODAL PARTICLE “Sacrifice is definitely the basis of instruction.” [NB: The case of the final particle yǐ 已 is notoriously difficult because there is no doubt that its function as non-negatable particle is deverbal, the modal meaning “de fin itely” of the final particle yǐ 已 clearly deriving from the verbal meaning “to fin ish”. In the common formula r yǐ 而已 “and that finishes it” yǐ 已 does not count as a particle at all: yǐ 已 “fin- ishes it” is verbal and negatable.] Anaphora, Co-reference, and Scope In CLAVIS SYNTACTICA, we have considered the categories of con- stituents ( n , v , p , NP, VP etc.) as well as the features of such constituents ( nm, nab, npro, vi etc) and relations between such constituents and those other adjacent constituents and with which they are taken to be “in construc- tion” ( vadN, vtoN, nadV etc) .