Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 573  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   ppostadV(.adN) xi ng sì di 相似底 MUTUAL RESEM- BLE GENITIVE/PART “(the thing) which is similar” *construction with implicit nominal head NB: There is no corresponding form with the pronoun zhī 之 .* [NB: First attested in Middle Chinese.] Complex Particles {PP...} PP{PRED} wū-hū 嗚呼 “ Alas! ” Adnominal PPs PPadN PPadN.adV suī-wēi Ch guó zhū hóu mò bù yù 雖微楚 國諸侯莫不譽 EVEN/IF LACK CHU STATE THE/VARIOUS FEUDAL/ LORDS NONE NOT PRAISE “ Even without Chǔ the feudal lords every- one would praise (him).” PPadN.postS ... kuàng-fù yú shì ... 況復餘事 HOW/MUCH/ MOREAGAIN SURPLUS MATTER “…, how much less the other tasks?” Adsentential PPs PPadS yóu shàng y u Gu n shū Cài shū zhī shì 猶尚有管叔、蔡叔之事 STILL-NONETHELESS EXIST GUANSHU CAISHU GENITIVE/PROMATTER “ Nonetheless there is the matter of Guǎn shū and of Cài shū” [NB: The case of Yóu shàng 猶尚 “Nonetheless” which can be taken to open a new sentence contrasting to a preceding sentence differs significantly from r n hòu 然後 “only then” and ruò g u 若苟 “if really” which in each case must be taken to form part of one single complex sentence.] PPadS1.adS2 ruò-g u xi n zh bù zhì … 若苟賢者不至 … IF-IF/REALLY TALENT SUBJECT/WHICH/PRO NOT ARRIVE … “ If the men of talent do not arrive ...” PPadS1.post-S2 Jì W nzǐ s n sī ér hòu xíng 季文子三 思而後行 JI WENZI THREE REFLECT AND AFTERWARDS ACT “Jì Wénzǐ reflected three times on things and only then (he) acted.” , n n nǚ wú bi , f n yú qín shòu, rán-zé lǐ yì li n chǐ bù lì 男女無別,反於禽獸,然 則禮義廉恥不立 MALE FEMALE LACK DIFFER RETURN IN-RELA- TION-TO BIRDS BEASTS BE/SO-THEN RITUAL RECTITUDE PROBI- TY SHAME NOT ESTABLISH “Men and women were not kept apart, they returned to the state of brutes, and thus propriety, rectitude, purity and the sense of shame were not established.” Adverbial PPs PPadV yòu-fù 又復問 “(He) asked again .” PPadV_1.postV_2 g o ér qiě dà zh 高而且大者 HIGH AND MOREOVER BIG > GREAT THE/SUBJECT/WHICH “those who are high and great”.