Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 571  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   padV.postN{SUBJ}:adS h shàng fāng w n fó gu ng gù n i zì l i 和尚方聞佛光故乃自來 MONK2 ONLY/JUST HEAR BUDDHA LIGHT THEN-THEN’ SELF > ON/OWN/INITIATIVE COME “ As soon as the monk heart about the Buddha light, he then came along on his own initia- tive.” *modifying a sentence* padV_1.adV_2 Qín měi pò zhū hóu xi fàng qí g ng shì 秦每破諸侯寫放其宮室 QIN WHENEVER DESTROY THE/SEVERAL FEUDAL LORD COPY-IMITATE GENITIVE/PRO > THEIR PALACE- BUILDING “ Whenever Qín destroyed a feudal lord it made copies of their palaces and buildings.” *the modified verbal expression modifying another verbal expression* padV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:adS zǐ rú bù y n z xi o zǐ h shù y n 子如不言,則小子何述焉? YOU/SIR (RESEMBLE>)IF NOT SPEAK, THEN SMALL FELLOWHOWTRANSMIT FROM/IT “ If you do not speak up, then what do we, little ones transmit?” *p between subject and predicate, and the subject/predicate construction modifying a sentence* padV.postN:post-S wú hài yǐ chú r n nǎi k zhì 五害已 除人乃可治 FIVE HARM ALREADY REMOVE PERSON THEN ABLE GOVERN>BE/GOVERNED “the thieves then abandoned (them)” *modi- fied by a preceding sentence* padV.(postN{SUBJ}:)post-S Xiàng y u yì y u 象憂亦憂 XIANG WORRY ALSO WORRY “When Xiàng was worried, he also wor- ried.” *contextually retrievable implicit subject* [NB: The semantics of 亦 ALSO is related to that preceding sentence.] padV.postadN r n ér bù n ng y n … 人而不能言 ... MAN AND > WHO NOT ABLE SPEAK... “A man who cannot speak ...(is such- and-such)” *modifying a preceding noun in the manner reminiscent of a rela- tive clause* [NB: One might want to claim that the N in this formula is in fact predicative, an N{PRED} “ to be a man and not to be able to speak...”. But note that the noun r n 人 “man” is referred back to as the subject of what follows.] padVt.postN{OBJ} sh n qiě bù ài 身且不愛 PERSON MOREOVER > EVEN NOT LOVE>CARE/FOR “even his person he did not care for” *transitive verbal* padV_1.postV_2 xu ér shí xí zhī 學而時習之 STUDY AND TIME/SEASON PRACTISE OBJECT/PRO “to study and rehearse in due time” Postnominal particles ppostN shī hū 師乎! MASTER QUESTION > EMPHATIC/PART “My master!”