Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 569  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   VPt0+prep+N1.post-:vtoN2:.+V zì ti n zǐ yǐ-zhì yú shù r n … 自天子以至於庶人 … COME/FROM HEAVEN SON SO/AS-REACH IN/RELATION/TO COMMON PERSON ... “From the son of Heaven down to the multitudes of the people...” *construed as topic of a sentence that fol- lows.* [NB: One might want to deny that SO/AS-REACH is a constituent, that instead one must parse SO/AS REACH-IN/RELATION/TO.] VPt0+prep+N1.post-:vtoN2:.adS zì ti n dì zhī p u pàn yǐ-zhì yú jīn 自天地之剖判以至于今 ... COME/FROM HEAVEN EARTH GENITIVE/PART CUT SPLIT SO/AS-REACH IN/RELATION/TO PRE- SENT “From the time of the separation of Heaven and Earth down to the pre- sent...” *construed as modification* [NB: One might want to deny that SO/ AS-REACH is a constituent, that instead one must parse SO/AS REACH-IN/ RELATION/TO.] Ditransitive VPs VPttoN1.+N2 xǐ-zhì zhī lín zh ng 徙置之 林中 MOVE-PUT OBJECT/PRO FORESTMIDDLE “ moved it to the middle of the forest” [NB: ditransitive verbs often have the second object introduced by coverbs currently called prepositions. Indirect objects are often preposed.] VPtt(oN1.)+N2 lì-wéi shàng qīng 立為上卿 ESTABLISH- BECOME “ establish (him) as top minister” *N1 contextually retrievable implicit object* VPtt(oN1.)(+N2) jí àn z shòu-yǔ 吉安則授與 JI’AN THEN PASS/ON-GIVE “Jíān then gave [it] to [him]” ruò bù qǐ bái 若不 啟白 … IF NOT INFORM-TELL ... “If (you) do not inform (him) (of this) ...*N1 and N2 contextually retrievable implicit objects* VPtt[oN1.]+N2 tóu-fù g u hè 投赴溝壑 THROW-AP- PROACH CANAL STREAM “ throw [oneself] into the waterways” *im- plicit object retrievable from context* Ditransitive complex verbal expressions with one preposi- tional object VPttoN1.+prep+N2 xuān-yán zhī yú ch o tíng 宣言之於朝 廷 PUBLISH-SPEAK OBJECT/PRO IN-RELATION-TO COURT-HALL “ spread word about it to the court” VPtt+prep+N1.postVtoN2 yòng shì xi o d ng gōng-yǎng yú fó 用是小燈供養於佛 USE THIS SMALL LAMP OFFER-NOURISH IN-RELATION-TO BUDDHA “offer this small lamp in worship to the Bud- dha” *N2 object introduced as object of subordinate transitive verb* VPtt(oN1.)+prep+N2 fèng-shàng yú w ng 奉上于王 HAND/UP-UPSIDE IN-RELATION-TO KING “ handed (it) up to the king” *contextually retrievable implicit object N1*