Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 568    Christoph Harbsmeier Complex transitive verbs with verbal object-complements VPt+V_1.adV_2 f i-tú w i jǐ y , yòu qi w i fù y 非徒危己也,又且危 父也 NOT/BE ONLY DANGER>ENDANGER SELF AGAIN-MORE- OVER ENDANGER FATHER “You not only endanger yourself, you also endanger your father.” *Note that f i 非 , construed as the main constituent in f i tú 非徒 , must count as a verb, and that yòu-qi 又且 MOREOVER would be PPadV_1.postadV_2 * VPt+V[0] kě-yǐ shí 可以食 CAN-SO/AS EAT “can eat”; also, involving idiomatic neg-raising: bù-yù zhàn 不欲戰 NOT WISH BAT- TLE “be disinclined to (= 欲不 ) give battle” *with a verbal object in the form of a verbal expression with a lexically retrievable implicit subject* VPt0+V[0] zh r n bù-yòng c ng c ng qù 主人不用匆 匆去 RULER PERSON NOT USE > USEFUL HURRY HURRY LEAVE “There is no need for you, the host, to leave in such a hurry!” [NB: The “user” here does not seem to be the host, except if we were to read 用 as “have no use for V-ing”, which does not quite sound right. But the construc- tion remains open for discussion. The present formula is not any argument: it just explicates one particular reading of the construction, thus opening this reading up to critical examination.]  VPt[0]+V[0] bù-rú wú shì 不如無事 NOT RESEME- BLE > EQUAL LACK TASK “[One] should preferably [omitted subject identical with the subject of the main verb] be inactive.” * VPt has a lexically retrievable implicit subject*  VPt[0](+V[0]) jìng nuò 敬諾 RESPECT AGREE “[I] respectfully promise (to V, as suggested in the context)” *with a con- textually retrievable verbal complement with its lexically retrievable implicit subject* [NB: Here as often, the formula is more readable than its explana- tion]  VPt[0]+V[0'] wéi yuàn shu zhī 惟願說之 ONLY- HOPE EXPLAIN OBJECT/PRO “ [We] very much hope that [you] will expound it.” *the two lexically retrievable subjects not identical* [Note that in this case we seem to have two lexicalised typical possibilities, distinct but close.] Complex transitive verbal expressions with prepositional object VPt+prep+N l i jiāo-jiē yú w 來交接於我 COME CONNECT- CONTACT IN/RELATION/TO EGO “came to make contact with me” VPt[+prep+N] Xi n Zh n bù fǎn-mìng 先軫不反命 RE- TURN ORDER “Xian Zhen reported back [to his leadership] ” *with omit- ted prepositional object*