Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 567  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   VPt0oN{SUBJ} duō-yǒu zh n b o 多有珍寶 MANY HAVE/EXIST TREASURE TREASURE’ “ there are many treasures” *VPt is logically subjectless* VPt0oN1pro.postN1{TOPIC} dào-z i duō-yǒu zhī 盜賊 多有之 THIEF VILLAIN MANY HAVE/EXIST OBJECT/PRO “ there are many thieves and villains” *with the pronominalised N1 referrring back to a topicalised N which has been moved to the beginning of the phrase* VPt0oN1.post-:Vt0oN2:.adS zì g yǐ-zhì jīn 自古以至 今 COME/FROM ANCIENT SO/AS REACH PRESENT “From ancient times to the present, … *richly embedded transitive VP in construction with another logically subjectless verb with its object, this whole construc- tion preceding and modifying a main sentence* [NB: In cases like this, like many others, the formula is much clearer than its verbalisation. Remember that yǐ zhì 以至 must count as a VP because it consists of more than one character.] VPt0oN1.postN2 wàng qí sh n yǐ-jí qí qīn 不忘先君以及 嗣君 , NOT FORGET FORMER RULER SO/AS-REACH HEIR RULER “did not forget the former ruler and the heir to the throne” *interposed be- tween two nouns* VPt0oN.adS jí-zhì zàng 及至葬 ... REACH ARRIVE BURY “ When it came to the time of the funeral...” *the verb-object struc- ture as a whole being adsentential* [NB: The relation between zhì 至 “reach” and zàng 葬 “burial” is interpreted as a verb-object relation in spite of the grammaticalised function involved.] VPt0oN{TOP}.+S zhì-yú l o xi o 至於老小 ... ARRIVE IN/RELATION/TO OLD SMALL > YOUNG “When it comes to the aged and the under-age, ...” *marking a topic rather than a subordinate clause* Complex transitive verbs with sentential objects VPtoS wèn-yuē sh i y 問曰誰也? ASK SAY WHO MODAL/PART “ ask the question: ' Who was it?'" *the object sentential* VPt[0]oS qǐng-wèn Jiè Zǐtuī n zài 請問介子推安在? ASK SAY JIEZITUI WHICH/PLACE/OBJECT/PRO BEI-IN “May [I] ask: where is Jiè Zǐtuī?” *the VP with implicit lexically retrievable sub- ject* VPt0oS ān-yǒu jiàn fù bèi zhí r wú biàn róng 安有見父 被執而無變容 “ How can it be that one's father is arrested and one does not change one's facial expression?" *with sentential object* VPt0oS1.adS2 jiǎ-lìng rì zài d ng 假令日在東 “Suppose the sun is in the east, then... *subordinated under another sentence*