Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 565  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   VP[adN.][post=npro_1] pín-jiàn 貧賤 POOR HUMBLE “[I], [a person who is] poor and of low status ” ( 孔雀東南飛 ) Adsentential VPs VPadS yǒu-qǐng K ng zǐ tàn xí 有頃孔 子歎息 EXIST MOMENT CONFUCIUS SIGH-BREATHE “ After a while Confucius sighed...” VPadS1.adS2 suī-r nrúcǐ 雖然如此, … ALTHOUGH-BE/SO RESEMBLE THIS... “Although (things) stand like this...” *sentence con- nectives* VP0adS1.postS2 yú-shì L du dào 於是魯多盜。 BE/ IN-THIS > THEREUPON LU MANY THIEF “ Thereupon thieves prolif- erated in Lǔ” *the logically subjectless VP functioning as a sentence connec- tive, linking S1 to a preceding S2* [NB: According to Göran Malmqvist, he correct reading of the “preposition” 於 may actually be in the first tone. 待考 ] VP[0]adS1.postS2 rán-zé lìng bù xíng 然則令不行 ... BE/ SO THEN ORDER NOT ENACT … “[This] being so orders were not en- acted...” *It is lexically predictable that the subject of the VP is the preceding sentence S2.* [NB: one might want to deny that r n-z 然則 actually are one constituent, and etymologically they certainly are not.] VP0adV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:postS mín yú-shì dà fú 民 於是大服 PEOPLE BE/IN THIS LARGE SUBMIT “the people thereupon greatly submitted” *the VP being inserted between subject and predicate of the sentence* Adverbial VPs VPadV xīn-rán xiào 欣然笑 GLAD BE/ SO/SUFF LAUGH “laugh joyfully” Intransitive VPs VPi w ng zài-bài 王再拜 KING TWICE BOW “The king bowed twice .” [NB: “Bowing twice” is undoubtedly a fixed idiomatic phrase that deserves to be listed in a dictionary, and the question whether this should or should not count as word is considered insubstan- tial under the TLS system: the distinction between lexicalised idioms and complex words is systematically opaque for that language. Saying this does not mean that there cannot have been phonetic features current in classical times that would indeed establish a distinction between idiom and word. We can only note that the concept of the “word” was introduced to China from the West, via Japan.] VPi_2 mí wù yǒu-shū 迷悟有殊 CONFUSED COME/TO/ UNDERSTAND HAVE > EXIST DIFFER “confusion and understanding are different ” * VPi has two separate subjects*