Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 564    Christoph Harbsmeier vtt(oN.)+V[0] 勸戰 ENCOURAGE BATTLE “ encour- aged (people) to give battle” 教習慈仁 TEACH PRACTICE KIND HU- MANE “ teach (people) to practise kindness and benevolence” *implicit pivot retrievable from context* Ditransitive subjectless verbs vtt[0]oN1.+N2 wèi zhī r n r n 謂之仁人 CALL OBJECT/PRO HUMANE PERSON “[one] calls him a benevolent person” *with lexically retrievable implicit subject for vtt * vtt[0](oN1.)+N2:adV zhū hóu bǐ w ng zh w i yīn 諸侯比 王者為陰 “feudal lords, compared to a true king, count as Yin” *with con- textually retrievable N1, and adverbial. vtt[0]oN1.postN2{OBJ} hu ng yì chēng ti n zǐ 皇亦稱天 子 SOVEREIGNALSO CALLHEAVEN SON “the sovereign [one] also calls Son of Heaven” *implicit lexically retrievable subject of that ditransitive verb* vtt[0]oN1.postN2pro:postN2 cǐ zhī wèi r n 此之謂仁 THIS OBJECT/PRO CALL HUMANE “this [one] calls benevolence” vtt[0]oN1pro.+N2:postN1 cǐ wèi zhī yào dào 此 謂之要道 THIS CALL OBJECT/PRO MAIN WAY “this [one] calls it the important Way” vtt[0]oV[0].postN{PIVOT} w ng qǐng duó(sic!) zhī 王請度之 “Your Majesty [I] beg [you] to measure it” *ditransitive verb with lexically retrievable (first person) subject* Bisyllabic-morpheme verbs (the constituent parts having no independent meaning as used on their own) vvi k ng què d ng n n f i w lǐ yī pái-huái 孔雀東南飛五里一徘徊 PEACOCK EAST SOUTH FLY, FIVE LEAGUE ONE>ONCE HESITATE-HESITATE' “South-east fly the pea- cocks, every five leagues they waver .” 1.2.2. {VP...} Plurisyllabic verbal constituent Adnominal VPs VPadN bù-gū r n 不辜人 NOT GUILTY PERSON “ innocent person” VP[adN] xián-liáng suì jìn r jiān-xié bìng tuì 賢良遂進 而姦邪并退 TALENTED EXCELLENT THEN PROCEEDANDWICKED EVIL TOGETHER WITHDRAW “ the talented and excellent will then go forwards and the wicked and evil will withdraw” *Omitted head of the VP retrievable from lexicon* VP[adN.]postVt sh bù-gū 殺不辜 KILL NOT-GUILTY “kill innocent [people]” *specialised on object position after a transitive verb* [NB: it seems hard to find this expression used in subject position. 待考].