Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 563  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   TIVE; NOTABLEALSOATTRACTIVE “The gentleman is attractive when he can (do things) , and he is also attractive when he can not do things .” *the implicit verbal objects being lexically retrievable* [NB: H o 好 never means “good” in classical Chinese.] Ditransitive verbs, i. e. verbs with two objects vttoN1.+N2 cì zhī m 賜之馬 GIVE OBJECT/PRO HORSE “ gave him a horse” vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2 ràng yǐ ti n xià 讓以天下 YIELD USE HEAVEN UNDER “ yield the empire (to him)” *implicit contextually retrie- vable second object, and direct object given introduced by coverbal phrase* vtt(oN1.)postvt(oN2{OBJ}) yǐ gào 以告 USE TELL “tell (him) about (it)” *object in the coverbal phrase also implicit and retrie- vable from context* vtt(oN1).oN2 sòng m 送馬 SEND HORSE “ send (him) a horse” *contextually retrievable implicit indirect object* vtt(oN1).+N2:-V[0] jiè r n ch ng zhī 借人乘之 LEND PERSON > OTHERS RIDE OBJECT/PRO “ lend (it) out to others to ride ” vtt(oN1.)(+N2) sòng 送 GIVE “ give (it) (to the contextu- ally determinate person)” *also contextually retrievable indirect object* Ditransitive verbs with the indirect object introduced by a “preposition” vttoN1.+prep+N2 chuán ti n xià yú Shùn 傳天下於舜 TRANSFER HEAVEN UNDER IN-RELEATION-TO SHUN “ transfer the empire to Shùn” vtt[0]oN1.+prep+N2 bǐ zhī yú sh n 比之於山 COM- PARE OBJECT/PRO IN-RELATION-TO MOUNTAIN “[one] may com- pare this to a horse” *the ditransitive verb has a lexically retrievable implicit subject* vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2 wèn yú Z ng zǐ 問於曾子 ASK IN- RELATION-TO ZENGZI “ ask Zengzi about the matter” *with contextually retrievable implicit direct object* Ditransitive pivot verbs vttoN.+V[0] shǐ zhī w n zhī 使之 聞之 CAUSE OBJECT/PRO HEAR OBJECT/PRO “caused him to hear it” *the subject of V lexically retrievable as identical with that of the main verb* [NB: It is in cases like these that the redundant but mnemonically convenient expansion of v into vtt is problematic because it raises the useless question how V[0] should or should not be regarded as part of the transitivity struc- ture. The leaner and less redundant formula voN.+V[0] would avoid this idle “academic” question.]