Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 562    Christoph Harbsmeier vt[0]oN.adV bù wèi (sic!) ji kùn 不為酒困 NOT BE/ FOR/REASON/OF ALCOHOL TROUBLE “not suffer hardship because of ( wèi ) alcohol” vt[0]oN.postadV shǐ mín yǐ shí 使民以時 EMPLOY PEOPLE USE SEASON “employ the people in accordance with the sea- sons” vt0+N.adS wēi Gu n Zhòng wú qí pī(sic!) fà 微管仲吾 其被髮 ... IF-IT-WERE-NOT-FOR GUANZHONG WE MODAL/PART/ WOULD LET/DOWN HAIR... But for Guanzhong we would presumably have our hair hanging loose!” *subjectless verb with complement, the whole construction modifying a sentence* vt0+Nab{S1}.adS2 微 “ if it hadn't been for S1 then S2” wēi fū zǐ zhī f wú fù y , wú bù zhī ti n dì zhī dà qu n y 微夫子之發吾覆 也,吾不知天地之大全也。 IF-IT-WERE-NOT-FOR MASTER GENI- TIVE/PART TAKE/OFF LID MODAL/PART, EGO NOT KNOWHEAVEN EARTH GENEITIVE/PART GREAT COMPLETE “ If the Master hadn't taken off the lid for me, I would never have understood the Great Integrity of Heaven and earth!” *with a nominalised sentence as the object of the subject- less verb* Transitive verbs with a verbal object vt+V[0] yù sh zhī 欲殺之 WISH KILL OBJECT/PRO “wanted to kill him”. [NB: Negations like fú 弗 Karlgren, Grammata Serica Recensa “would not; could not” and even bù 不 “fail to > does not, is not” may in the end have to be taken as the heads of verbal constructions, as indeed their English paraphrases suggest. Finnish, for example, has only verbal negation. But all this clearly needs detailed classical arguments like the modern Chinese 我不 , and also — inci- dentally — the English “I don't”. 待考 ] vt+V[0]{PASS} kě zhī 可知 CAN UNDERSTAND > BE/ UNDERSTOOD “may be understood” vt+V[0]{PASS}.adN zú guì zhī ch n 足貴之臣 SUFFI- CIENT > DESERVE HONOUR>BE/HONOURED GENITIVE/PRO MI­ NISTER “a minister who deserves to be honoured” *modifying a noun* vt(+V[0]) néng 能 CAN “(You) can (do that)!” *the ver- bal object being implicit and contextually retrievable* [NB: The contextually retrievable implicit subject is so ubiquitous in classical Chinese that it makes no sense to record it as a special feature of any verb.] vt[+V[0]] jūn zǐ néng yì h o, bù néng yì h o 君子能亦 好,不能亦好 RULER-SON > GENTLEMAN ABLE ALSO ATTRAC-