Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 559  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   vi.red:adV jiǔ jiǔ mò xi ng wàng 久久莫相忘 LONG- LONG NONE OBJECT/PRO FORGET “not forget for a very long time ” *modifying a verb* vi{vt+npro}.postadV dà yān 大焉 LARGE RELATING/ TO/IT “be large in relation to it >be larger than it ” *being a contraction of a transitive verb with its pronominal object, and postmodifying a verb. The comment within braces records this unusual feature.* vi_2 intransitive verb needing more than one subjects m y ch yì 馬與車異 HORSE JOIN CART DIFFERENT “horse and cart are different from each other ” *requiring two or more subjects* [NB: Note that one had better be two things in order to be different from each other: differ- ence is never strictly reflexive.] vi-v{SUFF} mò r n 默然 SILENT BE/SUCH/SUFF “(He) remained silent. ” *being modified by a deverbal suffix* vi-v{SUFF}.adV è r n sǐ 俄然死 SUDDEN BE/SUCH/ SUFF DIE “die suddenly ” *modifying a verb* vi+N{PLACE} yú sh n yu n 漁深淵 FISHING DEEP GORGE “He was fishing in a deep gorge”, wò chu ng 臥床 SLEEP BED “ sleep on the bed” *being in construction with a nominal complement that cannot normally be pronominalised by 之 and designates a place* [NB: NOT: “besleep a bed”.] vi+prep+N xiàn (sic!) yú qī jīng 見於七經 APPEAR IN SEVEN CLASSIC “ appear (later written xiàn 現 ) in the seven classics” *with prepositional complement* vi+N{SUBJ} guò èr shí ni n 過二十年 PASS TWO TEN YEAR “Twenty years passed .” *with postposed subject* vi+S{SUBJ} yí wú bù d jiàn y 宜吾不得見也 FIT EGO NOT OBTAIN VISIT “ It is fitting that I did not get an audience.” *with postposed sentential subject* Subjectless intransitive verbs vi0 xuě 雪 SNOW “[It] snowed .” [NB: Contrast vt0oN yù (sic!) shuǐ 雨水 RAIN WATER “[it] rained water” and yù xu 雨雪 RAIN SNOW “[it] rained snow”.] vi0+N{PLACE} yù (sic!) w g ng ti n 雨我公田 RAIN EGO PUBLIC FIELD “ it rains onto our public fields” *with place comple- ment* [NB: Old commentaries suggest that in this function we have the old suffix -s which becomes the falling tone in Mandarin pronunciation today.] vi0.red yǎn-yǎn 晻晻 “[It] was getting dark ” *reduplicated*