Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 558    Christoph Harbsmeier you, mother” *the relation to the preceding N being one of postmodification* [NB: one might read this as “the money I have received from you, mother, is a lot” in which case MUCH is simply vi .] vpost-V.postadN d bìng jí zhòng 得病極重 GET DIS- EASE EXTREME HEAVY “ got a disease which was extremely serious ” *the postmodifying v being itself adverbially modified* [NB: Note the con- trast with pivotal constructions. What we have here is one of the many cases of unmarked postposed relative clauses in Chinese.] Postsentential verbs vpostS yòng shì niú wéi 用是牛為 USE THIS BUFFALO DO “ What are you using this ox for ?” *in construc- tion with a preceding sentence* vpostadS ch ng yǐ yù(sic) w lái “ 嘗以語我來。 ” TRY OBJECT/MARKER/(THIS) TELL EGO COME “Try to tell me, will you .” *the relation to that sentence being that of postmodification* [NB: One might be tempted to analyse this as vpostadV .] vpostS1.adS2 liù z w n yǐ 六祖聞已 ... SIX PATRIARCH HEAR FINISH ... “ When the Sixth Patriarch had heard this...” *the modified S1 in turn modifying S2 (in which in this case we are invited to expect to be told what happened after the Sixth Patriarch heard about this)* Postverbal verbs vpostV 未 “or not?" r bìng yù wèi 汝病 愈未 YOU DISEASE HEAL NOT/YET “Has your disease been cured or not?” vpostadV sǐ jiǔ yǐ 死久矣 DIE LONG SENTENCE/PART “has died a long time ago ” *the relation to that verbal expression being that of postmodification* vpostadV.adN s n shí yú ni n 三十餘年 THREE TEN EXCESS YEAR “ more than twenty years, twenty -odd years” *the con- struction modifying a noun* [NB: Note that 三十餘 THIRTYEXCESS “thir- ty-odd” as a whole of course in turn modifies ni n 年 “year”.] Intransitive verbs vi zuì r wò 醉而臥 DRUNK AND SLEEP “got drunk and dozed off” vi.red w n zhì bīn bīn 文質彬彬 PATTERN SUBSTANCE HARMONIOUS-HARMONIOUS “when substance and adornment are in harmony ” *reduplicated* vi.red:adN xiǎo xiǎo míng lì 小小名利 SMALL-SMALL FAME PROFIT “fame and profit, which are insignificant ” *modifying a noun*