Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 557  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   vad.VadN 空大谷 kōng dà g EMPTY LARGE VALLEY “ empty large valley” *modified noun itself again modified by verb* v.red:adN yōu yōu c ng ti n 悠悠蒼天 DISTANT-DIS- TANT AZURE HEAVEN “distant azure heaven” *modifying verb redupli- cated* vvadN w i-yí shì 逶迤勢 WRIGGLE-WRIGGLE’ SITU- ATION “ slowly changing>subtly unstable (political) situation ” *the parts of modifying verb having no independent meaning* [NB: vv is used for binomes the parts of which are not free morphemes in classical Chinese and cannot be given independent meanings. The present binome demonstrates very nicely the fact that it is very common for vv forms to have a large number of graphic variants. In this case over ten such forms are current in ancient texts.] Deverbal adverbs vadV shèn shàn 甚善 INTENSE GOOD “be very good” vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adS bìng yǐ ch ng r yào zhī 病已成 而藥之 DISEASE FINISH COMPLETE AND MEDICINE OBJECT/PRO “treat disease after it has already arisen” *between subject and predicate and that construction modifying a main sentence* vpost-.VtoN:adV y zǐ jiē l o 與子偕老 JOIN YOU AS- SOCIATE OLD “grow old together with you” *the adverb being modified by a transitive verb with its object* [NB: This v is modified by a preceding verb-object phrase, and this construction as a whole precedes and modifies a verb. The formula is clearer than its English paraphrase.] Deverbal “sentence adverbs” vadS huì qí m cù w ng 會其 母卒亡 COINCIDE HIS MOTHER SUDDENLY DIE “ As it happened his mother had died suddenly.” *modifying a sentence* vadS1.post-S2 bīn tuì, bì fù mìng 賓退,必復命 GUEST WITHDRAW NECESSARY AGAIN RETURN COMMAND “ When the guest hard withdrawn it was necessary that > necessarily he would report back” *being modified by a preceding sentence (specifying in this case under which conditions the necessity obtains)* Postnominal verbs vpostN *NB: verbal postmodification of nouns is rare, and examples tend to be controversial* v{NUM}post-N nǚ yuè liù 女樂六 WOMAN-MUSIC SIX “six female musicians” *the verb may be a number verb* vpostadN shòu m qi n bì duō 受母錢幣多 RECEIVE MOTHER CASH MONEY MUCH "(I) have received much money from