Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 555  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   NPadSS xī-zhě y u r n 昔者有人 … … FORMERLY THE/SUBJECT/WHICH EXIST PERSON “ A long time ago there was a person, … …” [NB: SS refers to a set of sentences constituting a paragraph or a whole passage. Note, incidentally, that what comes after r n 人 is in fact something very much like a postposed relative clause. But that is a tricky matter not to be discussed here.] NPadS1.adS2 jīn-rì xi ng guó r sh xi n zh 今日饗國 而殺賢者 PRESENT-DAY > AS/SOON/AS ENJOY STATE THEN KILL WORTHY THE/SUBJECT/WHICH “ As soon as (you) are ensconced in the state you kill worthy men.” NPadS1.postS2 爾時佛在 THAT-TIME BUDDHA BE- PRESENT “ At that time the Buddha was present.” [NB: this noun phrase introduces a sentence that is linked up to a preceding paragraph (which we might write as SS by the resumptive semantics of r shí 爾時 “at that (i. e. just specified in the preceding S2) time”.] Complex nominal modified by preceding noun NPpost- N wàn wù fù-mǔ 萬物父母 “ father and mother of the myriad things” NP[post-N] fū-zǐ sh n zhī 夫子哂之 MASTER SMILE OBJECT/PRO " [Our] Master smiled at him.” [NB: The N here is retrievable from the dictionary entry for fū-zǐ 夫子 “1) our master; 2) my master”, and as this entry shows, lexicalisation may be of multiple meanings.] *implicit lexi- cally retrievable modifying noun (which in this case specifies whose master it is, namely ours)* NP(post-N.)=Npr fū-rén Zǐ shì 夫人子氏 HUSBAND/ PERSON > WIFE ZI FAMILY “ (his) wife , madame Zǐ” *implicit contextu- ally retrievable modifying noun, and the whole phrase being in apposition- coordination with a proper name* Postverbal NPs NPpostV NPpostVt ti n g u-hè 填溝壑 FILL CANAL-STREAM “fill the canals and ditches ” *specialised on object position after transitive verb* NPpostVtt.+V[0] shǐ xià-chén gào jí 使下臣告急 SEND LOW-MINISTER > ME REPORT URGENT>DISTRESS “sent my hum- ble self to report the distress” *specialised on “pivotal” position* [NB: The NP xià ch n 下臣 is an NP@pro and the present subcategory is going to be categorised as NPpostVtt.+V[0]@pro in TLS, because the function of the expression is pronominal also in pivotal position. This pivotal category is interesting only if one is concerned with the question which nominal expres- sions can be found to function as pivots.]