Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 554    Christoph Harbsmeier pronouns accessibility to or limitation to subject versus object position may be worth registering. If one wants to register the object position, this is how it would be done.] Complex denominal adjectives NPadN 上古聖人 ABOVE- ANCIENT SAGE PERSON “sages of high antiquity ” NP[adN] w i tiān-xià 為天下笑 “be laughed at by [the people of] All under Heaven ” *lexically retrievable implicit omitted nomi- nal head* [NB: ti n xià 天下 is taken to be short for ti n-xià zhī r n 天下 之人 HEAVEN BELOW GENITIVE/PRO MAN “ people of the world” or ti n-xià zhī mín 天下 “the people of the world” as in Mencius . The English world in all the world does not work like our Chinese expression. What in many languages will be explained by the notion metonymy (or synekdoche) we can explain in Chinese by ellipsis in these cases.] NP[adN.][post=npro_2] shàng zuò 上座 TOP SEAT “[You,] [the person/monk occupying] the top seat” NP(adN) jīn rì g ng y ng h sì zuó-rì 今日供養何似昨 日 PRESENT DAY HOSPITALITYVENERATION HOW SIMILAR DAY/ BEFORE-DAY “Today’s veneration, how is it similar to yesterday’s (scil. 供養 ‘hospitality/veneration’)” *construction with contextually retrievable implicit nominal head* NP/VPadN shì-sú f n fū 世俗凡夫 ORDINARY/ WORLD VULGAR ORDINARY FELLOW “ordinary fellow of this vul- gar word/worldly vulgar ” *the interpretation of the modifying phrase being indeterminate between VP and NP, but NP being judged more plausible* NP|VPadN zhōng-xìn zhī r n 忠信之人 LOYAL- FAITHFUL GENITIVE/PART PERSON”person of devotion and good faith or devoted and faithful person” *the interpretation of the modifying phrase being indeterminate between VP and NP, both being judged equally plausible* Complex denominal adverb NPadV r n qín-shòu xíng 人 禽獸行 MAN BIRD-BEAST ACT “Men behave like wild animals ." *mod- ifying a verb* NPadV.postN{SUBJ} shàng yī-rì wèitàiwèi 上一日謂太尉 … ABOVE>EMPEROR ONE-DAY TELLGREAT/PROTECT > STEWARD… “the emperor, one day , told the Steward...” *between subject and predicate* Complex nominal modifying sentence NPadS sì-miàn hu qǐ 四面火起 FOUR-FACE FIRE ARISE “ on all sides fire broke out”